There are a lot of tips out there, aren't there? When it comes to free money tips, most people want ones that help increase their income or, to be blunt, make money. Investment tips and alike aren't necessary if you haven't any income to invest! This is more then a tip; when you get right down to it, this is an idea turned into a method that works. What more could you ask for...
Free money tips usually have to do with saving, spending or investing. These tips are more then that. Brad Yates has tips that take only seconds a day to review and they make a huge difference. That could be because his tips are so different though... they have very little to do with money, at least on the surface. You have to learn and see for yourself, but make sure you learn from an expert and someone with experience.
Yates and others that study the psychological implications of our spirituality on all areas of life (including finances), know that our thoughts and feelings determine our success. Popularly referred to as the law of attraction or similar principle, Yates help people like us get out of our own way and realize our true success. Few argue that attitude and outlook on life are irrelevant and more of us choose to associate with people who share our ideas and beliefs, so applying this principal to other areas of life are quite logical and wise.
The ideas and advice for handling money pale in comparison and are a dime a dozen. Plans and methods that take you through, step by step, are priceless! You, as an individual are the best investment to bank on, you're also worth the most, and your best asset, so maximize what you've got and the rest will fall into place.
For guide on how to start up a small investment and make glorious money in return visit
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
What if I told you that reading a book would also change the way you react to the demands that rest upon your shoulders by the system of money you live under. Would you click HERE to learn more about that new way of perceiving your own money situation that would change everything for you especially where money is concerned? Decision Points
What if I told you that reading a book would also change your thoughts and beliefs about money, and change the very reason you have less money than you need and/or desire. Would you click HERE to learn more about a different way of believing in yourself and the money of the world's money systems?
Money is not made by hard work and long hours as so many tell you that it is. Just look at the rich and very rich, they do very little work at all. Only a few of them had to work hard to get to the top. No instead it was their way of thinking and believing in themselves and a perception of the way money is generated for them that got them to where they are.
If I told you that reading a book can alter your perception about money (YOUR MONEY) in a way that would relax your worries about money that would also allow you to draw more money to you with less work. Would you click HERE to learn more? This would also lessen the demands on your current cash flow because you would have more money.
In today's system of money and government there is a problem of lack of money for a vast majority of people and the ever-looming control of people from the government and the legal system. Everyone is stuck in a state of mind that depends 100% on money. It matters not how much or how little money you have. Do you know how it is that they are controlling the population so easily? Do you agree that knowledge is power? When people understand how money is used and the effects of the control placed upon the people they will be able to easily throw off that control and all the financial burdens you are currently carrying and paying for at the cost of you time away from home and the stress on your health that are needless in your life. The lack of understanding today in the use of money and the ever increasing control, burdens and all that comes from today's life styles are gaining momentum in a way that is disastrous to us as a people and the to earth itself.
People just do not see the control or the effects of this because like the science project we all learned in school where the boiling frog just sat in the ever-increasing hot water and allowed himself to boil to death. We all feel the effects in many forms many of us complain verbally about the problems we encounter with lack of money,Speak Now but few ever understand the actual root cause of how and why we have these stressful burdens.
The system(s) of earth are in dire trouble and will soon loose control of the monetary system. Recently president traveled around the country pitching a new bill to the people stating the social security system will be bankrupt in 13 years. They are in deep financial trouble and they know it. This book presents for thought little known facts people are unaware of, what is going on behind the scenes and the effects of what this means, it provides an easy cure for the money problems we all experience.
The solution is to first understand the cause and then the effects of the cause. From this understanding we automatically change our perceptions of the problem. This also changes the conscious awareness of the whole planet. One person's change in perception does change the whole game since each person is firmly a part of the mass consciousness. Yes one minds perception and state of mind can make a big difference in the whole of mass consciousness far more than you know.
The solution to this can be found in the book "Once Upon A Time There Was No Money" Click HERE Toy Story 3this book provides a whole new way of understanding money and the system of control that is all around us. In this book is a new understanding in money matters for today and for the future to come. It reveals facts and wisdom knot known by most people on many different levels.
The materials presented in this book are the understandings that comes from a lifetime of struggles with money the school of hard knocks and the personal restructuring of life through the teachings that come direct from the higher realms via channeled entities that have our continued evolution on earth as their primary concerns. This information is given today for today's people because we as a people are in the now of today and not back 2000 years ago when the information that came through then was for the people of that time. Today's channeled information is for today's people with today's life styles with all of our current issues and problems at large. The changes to come will happen weather we are aware of it or not, would you rather be informed or wake up one day to find the world changed without you?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
money makes you happy
Most of us have been taught to believe that money does not make people happy. More than likely, this is people lying to themselves so they don't feel bad about not having a lot of money. Who isn't happy when they receive a giant check? You've got to admit, your heart runs a little faster, too.
Before proceeding further, I should mention that it is true that money alone cannot buy happiness. A person who is sad because of the death of a close family member will not be made happy with any amount of money; a person who's dream is to sing on Broadway will never replace the happiness of achieving that goal with a pile of cash. There are times, yes, where money does not make you happy.
For all the other times, it does. When confronted by somebody who thinks otherwise, tell them this: "money does not buy happiness. But, what it can do is buy me the time to spend with the people I love, and buy me the time to do things I love. Also, it can pay people to do things that I hate doing."
Alone is the Key Word
Money alone does not make you happy. That doesn't mean that money combined with other things can't. Though it is combined, money is still necessary to make you happy. For example, if your dream is to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, your chances of being able to live that dream are greatly increased if you have lots of expendable cash. Let's face it - you need money to see the world.
Sure, people "see the world" without much money. There are backpackers all over the world who see lots of neat things. There are lots of people who invest a few years of their time into finding opportunities that include paid travel, or they find jobs overseas. So, yes, they "experience many cultures." But, what they do not do is experience the finer things in each of those cultures; they cannot live in the different cultures, except for at the bottom rung with the other folks who are just as poor as they are.
So, let's face it. Money can indeed make a lot of your dreams come true, or at least give you the opportunity. So, rather than continue to lie to ourselves, let's realize that we need money and we should do whatever it takes (without being immoral or unethical) to acquire as much of it as we can. Let's grow up and just accept this fact: money makes you happy.
Before proceeding further, I should mention that it is true that money alone cannot buy happiness. A person who is sad because of the death of a close family member will not be made happy with any amount of money; a person who's dream is to sing on Broadway will never replace the happiness of achieving that goal with a pile of cash. There are times, yes, where money does not make you happy.
For all the other times, it does. When confronted by somebody who thinks otherwise, tell them this: "money does not buy happiness. But, what it can do is buy me the time to spend with the people I love, and buy me the time to do things I love. Also, it can pay people to do things that I hate doing."
Alone is the Key Word
Money alone does not make you happy. That doesn't mean that money combined with other things can't. Though it is combined, money is still necessary to make you happy. For example, if your dream is to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, your chances of being able to live that dream are greatly increased if you have lots of expendable cash. Let's face it - you need money to see the world.
Sure, people "see the world" without much money. There are backpackers all over the world who see lots of neat things. There are lots of people who invest a few years of their time into finding opportunities that include paid travel, or they find jobs overseas. So, yes, they "experience many cultures." But, what they do not do is experience the finer things in each of those cultures; they cannot live in the different cultures, except for at the bottom rung with the other folks who are just as poor as they are.
So, let's face it. Money can indeed make a lot of your dreams come true, or at least give you the opportunity. So, rather than continue to lie to ourselves, let's realize that we need money and we should do whatever it takes (without being immoral or unethical) to acquire as much of it as we can. Let's grow up and just accept this fact: money makes you happy.
Monday, November 8, 2010
how to earn money through blogging
Earning money online is one of the greatest ways to supplement your income and beat this tough economy. And there's no easier way to earn a living online than to blog for profit. Whether you've done it before or not, I am here today to show you a few steps you need to take to get your own blog started up fast and simply even if you're a beginner.
First you'll have to pick a topic for your blog and register your own domain name. That's to show your authority in your field and to let your visitors know that you truly mean business. Now in terms of choosing a topic, if you want to be successful, try to think of a topic that will bring in lots of hungry visitors who don't just want to read information but also might eventually buy something (even if it's a simple ebook).
Once you have a topic, it's time to get your blog created and monetized. This is simple, don't worry! Choose a blog host that features one-click blog installation so that you don't have to worry about any of the technical stuff and you can get on with the money making!
Now you want to monetize that blog so you can start earning money. So here's what you do. Look for useful products in your niche that you know your readers will benefit from. Do a search for affiliate programs offered by these companies and then link to those products when you promote them in your blog posts. You gain a commission every time you successfully refer someone to buy!
First you'll have to pick a topic for your blog and register your own domain name. That's to show your authority in your field and to let your visitors know that you truly mean business. Now in terms of choosing a topic, if you want to be successful, try to think of a topic that will bring in lots of hungry visitors who don't just want to read information but also might eventually buy something (even if it's a simple ebook).
Once you have a topic, it's time to get your blog created and monetized. This is simple, don't worry! Choose a blog host that features one-click blog installation so that you don't have to worry about any of the technical stuff and you can get on with the money making!
Now you want to monetize that blog so you can start earning money. So here's what you do. Look for useful products in your niche that you know your readers will benefit from. Do a search for affiliate programs offered by these companies and then link to those products when you promote them in your blog posts. You gain a commission every time you successfully refer someone to buy!
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