There are a lot of tips out there, aren't there? When it comes to free money tips, most people want ones that help increase their income or, to be blunt, make money. Investment tips and alike aren't necessary if you haven't any income to invest! This is more then a tip; when you get right down to it, this is an idea turned into a method that works. What more could you ask for...
Free money tips usually have to do with saving, spending or investing. These tips are more then that. Brad Yates has tips that take only seconds a day to review and they make a huge difference. That could be because his tips are so different though... they have very little to do with money, at least on the surface. You have to learn and see for yourself, but make sure you learn from an expert and someone with experience.
Yates and others that study the psychological implications of our spirituality on all areas of life (including finances), know that our thoughts and feelings determine our success. Popularly referred to as the law of attraction or similar principle, Yates help people like us get out of our own way and realize our true success. Few argue that attitude and outlook on life are irrelevant and more of us choose to associate with people who share our ideas and beliefs, so applying this principal to other areas of life are quite logical and wise.
The ideas and advice for handling money pale in comparison and are a dime a dozen. Plans and methods that take you through, step by step, are priceless! You, as an individual are the best investment to bank on, you're also worth the most, and your best asset, so maximize what you've got and the rest will fall into place.
For guide on how to start up a small investment and make glorious money in return visit
Monday, November 15, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
What if I told you that reading a book would also change the way you react to the demands that rest upon your shoulders by the system of money you live under. Would you click HERE to learn more about that new way of perceiving your own money situation that would change everything for you especially where money is concerned? Decision Points
What if I told you that reading a book would also change your thoughts and beliefs about money, and change the very reason you have less money than you need and/or desire. Would you click HERE to learn more about a different way of believing in yourself and the money of the world's money systems?
Money is not made by hard work and long hours as so many tell you that it is. Just look at the rich and very rich, they do very little work at all. Only a few of them had to work hard to get to the top. No instead it was their way of thinking and believing in themselves and a perception of the way money is generated for them that got them to where they are.
If I told you that reading a book can alter your perception about money (YOUR MONEY) in a way that would relax your worries about money that would also allow you to draw more money to you with less work. Would you click HERE to learn more? This would also lessen the demands on your current cash flow because you would have more money.
In today's system of money and government there is a problem of lack of money for a vast majority of people and the ever-looming control of people from the government and the legal system. Everyone is stuck in a state of mind that depends 100% on money. It matters not how much or how little money you have. Do you know how it is that they are controlling the population so easily? Do you agree that knowledge is power? When people understand how money is used and the effects of the control placed upon the people they will be able to easily throw off that control and all the financial burdens you are currently carrying and paying for at the cost of you time away from home and the stress on your health that are needless in your life. The lack of understanding today in the use of money and the ever increasing control, burdens and all that comes from today's life styles are gaining momentum in a way that is disastrous to us as a people and the to earth itself.
People just do not see the control or the effects of this because like the science project we all learned in school where the boiling frog just sat in the ever-increasing hot water and allowed himself to boil to death. We all feel the effects in many forms many of us complain verbally about the problems we encounter with lack of money,Speak Now but few ever understand the actual root cause of how and why we have these stressful burdens.
The system(s) of earth are in dire trouble and will soon loose control of the monetary system. Recently president traveled around the country pitching a new bill to the people stating the social security system will be bankrupt in 13 years. They are in deep financial trouble and they know it. This book presents for thought little known facts people are unaware of, what is going on behind the scenes and the effects of what this means, it provides an easy cure for the money problems we all experience.
The solution is to first understand the cause and then the effects of the cause. From this understanding we automatically change our perceptions of the problem. This also changes the conscious awareness of the whole planet. One person's change in perception does change the whole game since each person is firmly a part of the mass consciousness. Yes one minds perception and state of mind can make a big difference in the whole of mass consciousness far more than you know.
The solution to this can be found in the book "Once Upon A Time There Was No Money" Click HERE Toy Story 3this book provides a whole new way of understanding money and the system of control that is all around us. In this book is a new understanding in money matters for today and for the future to come. It reveals facts and wisdom knot known by most people on many different levels.
The materials presented in this book are the understandings that comes from a lifetime of struggles with money the school of hard knocks and the personal restructuring of life through the teachings that come direct from the higher realms via channeled entities that have our continued evolution on earth as their primary concerns. This information is given today for today's people because we as a people are in the now of today and not back 2000 years ago when the information that came through then was for the people of that time. Today's channeled information is for today's people with today's life styles with all of our current issues and problems at large. The changes to come will happen weather we are aware of it or not, would you rather be informed or wake up one day to find the world changed without you?
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
money makes you happy
Most of us have been taught to believe that money does not make people happy. More than likely, this is people lying to themselves so they don't feel bad about not having a lot of money. Who isn't happy when they receive a giant check? You've got to admit, your heart runs a little faster, too.
Before proceeding further, I should mention that it is true that money alone cannot buy happiness. A person who is sad because of the death of a close family member will not be made happy with any amount of money; a person who's dream is to sing on Broadway will never replace the happiness of achieving that goal with a pile of cash. There are times, yes, where money does not make you happy.
For all the other times, it does. When confronted by somebody who thinks otherwise, tell them this: "money does not buy happiness. But, what it can do is buy me the time to spend with the people I love, and buy me the time to do things I love. Also, it can pay people to do things that I hate doing."
Alone is the Key Word
Money alone does not make you happy. That doesn't mean that money combined with other things can't. Though it is combined, money is still necessary to make you happy. For example, if your dream is to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, your chances of being able to live that dream are greatly increased if you have lots of expendable cash. Let's face it - you need money to see the world.
Sure, people "see the world" without much money. There are backpackers all over the world who see lots of neat things. There are lots of people who invest a few years of their time into finding opportunities that include paid travel, or they find jobs overseas. So, yes, they "experience many cultures." But, what they do not do is experience the finer things in each of those cultures; they cannot live in the different cultures, except for at the bottom rung with the other folks who are just as poor as they are.
So, let's face it. Money can indeed make a lot of your dreams come true, or at least give you the opportunity. So, rather than continue to lie to ourselves, let's realize that we need money and we should do whatever it takes (without being immoral or unethical) to acquire as much of it as we can. Let's grow up and just accept this fact: money makes you happy.
Before proceeding further, I should mention that it is true that money alone cannot buy happiness. A person who is sad because of the death of a close family member will not be made happy with any amount of money; a person who's dream is to sing on Broadway will never replace the happiness of achieving that goal with a pile of cash. There are times, yes, where money does not make you happy.
For all the other times, it does. When confronted by somebody who thinks otherwise, tell them this: "money does not buy happiness. But, what it can do is buy me the time to spend with the people I love, and buy me the time to do things I love. Also, it can pay people to do things that I hate doing."
Alone is the Key Word
Money alone does not make you happy. That doesn't mean that money combined with other things can't. Though it is combined, money is still necessary to make you happy. For example, if your dream is to scuba dive the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, your chances of being able to live that dream are greatly increased if you have lots of expendable cash. Let's face it - you need money to see the world.
Sure, people "see the world" without much money. There are backpackers all over the world who see lots of neat things. There are lots of people who invest a few years of their time into finding opportunities that include paid travel, or they find jobs overseas. So, yes, they "experience many cultures." But, what they do not do is experience the finer things in each of those cultures; they cannot live in the different cultures, except for at the bottom rung with the other folks who are just as poor as they are.
So, let's face it. Money can indeed make a lot of your dreams come true, or at least give you the opportunity. So, rather than continue to lie to ourselves, let's realize that we need money and we should do whatever it takes (without being immoral or unethical) to acquire as much of it as we can. Let's grow up and just accept this fact: money makes you happy.
Monday, November 8, 2010
how to earn money through blogging
Earning money online is one of the greatest ways to supplement your income and beat this tough economy. And there's no easier way to earn a living online than to blog for profit. Whether you've done it before or not, I am here today to show you a few steps you need to take to get your own blog started up fast and simply even if you're a beginner.
First you'll have to pick a topic for your blog and register your own domain name. That's to show your authority in your field and to let your visitors know that you truly mean business. Now in terms of choosing a topic, if you want to be successful, try to think of a topic that will bring in lots of hungry visitors who don't just want to read information but also might eventually buy something (even if it's a simple ebook).
Once you have a topic, it's time to get your blog created and monetized. This is simple, don't worry! Choose a blog host that features one-click blog installation so that you don't have to worry about any of the technical stuff and you can get on with the money making!
Now you want to monetize that blog so you can start earning money. So here's what you do. Look for useful products in your niche that you know your readers will benefit from. Do a search for affiliate programs offered by these companies and then link to those products when you promote them in your blog posts. You gain a commission every time you successfully refer someone to buy!
First you'll have to pick a topic for your blog and register your own domain name. That's to show your authority in your field and to let your visitors know that you truly mean business. Now in terms of choosing a topic, if you want to be successful, try to think of a topic that will bring in lots of hungry visitors who don't just want to read information but also might eventually buy something (even if it's a simple ebook).
Once you have a topic, it's time to get your blog created and monetized. This is simple, don't worry! Choose a blog host that features one-click blog installation so that you don't have to worry about any of the technical stuff and you can get on with the money making!
Now you want to monetize that blog so you can start earning money. So here's what you do. Look for useful products in your niche that you know your readers will benefit from. Do a search for affiliate programs offered by these companies and then link to those products when you promote them in your blog posts. You gain a commission every time you successfully refer someone to buy!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
I would like to show you one of the most powerful making money ideas online you can start working with today and see income in less than two weeks time.
In online world if you are continent, persuasive, ready to put your effort and work towards building your successful online business you will succeed.
So here are those 3 most powerful making money ideas online you can start today.
Idea number one: article marketing.
This is for sure one of the most powerful idea out of all making money ideas you can find out there. Besides, it's very simple and easy to start working with it. Even if you don't have any writing skills I am sure you can do it, you just don't know it yet. One big guy said once: "You might never find out what you are capable of doing, unless you will try it".
The idea of making money with article marketing is simple. All you will have to do is to sign up with affiliate program or programs, and start promoting those products by writing articles related to subject same as product you will be promoting. And at the end of each article you would be able to put links where you want people to go after they finish reading this or that article. Once they click on that link they go to products, you will be promoting, website and if they buy you get paid.
Idea number two: promote other peoples product by creating review websites.
Another one of the most powerful idea out of all making money ideas online is creating your own review website. So here is how it's working. You should pick up a niche you would like to work in and then pick up three products related to your niche and write reviews about them. On first place of you review website put the one you think is best one, also you can mark it as 5 star rating product. While other two products you can rate as 4 and 3 stars products. Then, by using paid and free advertising, start driving traffic to your website. That's it. Once people will visit your website they will of course click on best products website and after they buy you get paid. In fact one of my good online marketing friends maid $25,000 in two weeks with his review website.
Idea number three: start your own blog.
And the last for today one of the most powerful idea out of all making money ideas online is creating a blog. I will be honest with you. Some people think that you can't make big money with blogging. And I will tell you that one of my online marketing friends is making around $700 per week with his blogs. How? The process of making money with this most powerful idea out of all making money ideas online is simple. Create blog, put adsense, banners, then start driving traffic to your blog, and then get paid. But here is a catch. How to really create a blog that would sink in massive traffic in less than two weeks time?
Well that's another question I am going to talk with you about in my other article.
So, these were most powerful ideas out of all making money ideas online.
And remember having the right knowledge's on how to start each and every idea to make it successful in less than one week is vital. If you would know those knowledge's you would leave you boring daily job in less than one month.
For more information on how to start up a business both online and offline visit
Thursday, October 21, 2010
No one figures out how much time we've left on the earth. The good news is that your possibility of living longer have never been better. Most people currently will probably live to about 75 to 80 years old. The bad news? You are not able to forecast when you're going to be struck by a truck or succumb to a thriller virus.Therefore you should always make certain there is ample life insurance and cover against your succumbing to a severe disease or losing your livelihood that you could give your family.
Life insurance don't replace anyone's position, however it will replace your money-earning capability.
Always search for those insurances. A newly released table from Moneyfacts showed that a 40-year-old non-smoking man could buy a $125,000 insurance plan protecting the following two decades for $15.80 per month from AA Insurance Services; the exact same plan from HSBC Life would cost $25.95 monthly.
Prior to buying life insurance protect, decide how much you need. One guideline is 4 to 5 times your yearly take-home compensation. And also consider any loss of life or disease benefits that come with your career. There isn't any reason for doubling up cover needlessly. And also realize that if you have no family members commitments, then life protect is just a costly luxury.
As well as purchasing life cover, you can buy significant disease policies that pay out a lump sum in case you have a significant illness, like a heart attack or cancer, and survive for a month. Many policies also pay if you die during the policy time. The same huge range of costs is available, so never, ever go for the first quote you find.
Some plans, known as permanent health insurances or earnings protection policies, guarantee to pay a month-to-month sum till your normal retirement age if you cannot work because of illness or injury. Those policies can be expensive, especially for women because insurance companies think women are ill a lot more often than males.
Generally go looking at all your family and personal situations before taking a plan. If you don't actually need that, and then don't purchase it. The month to month premiums could be helpful to help build up an investment nest-egg.
Life insurance don't replace anyone's position, however it will replace your money-earning capability.
Always search for those insurances. A newly released table from Moneyfacts showed that a 40-year-old non-smoking man could buy a $125,000 insurance plan protecting the following two decades for $15.80 per month from AA Insurance Services; the exact same plan from HSBC Life would cost $25.95 monthly.
Prior to buying life insurance protect, decide how much you need. One guideline is 4 to 5 times your yearly take-home compensation. And also consider any loss of life or disease benefits that come with your career. There isn't any reason for doubling up cover needlessly. And also realize that if you have no family members commitments, then life protect is just a costly luxury.
As well as purchasing life cover, you can buy significant disease policies that pay out a lump sum in case you have a significant illness, like a heart attack or cancer, and survive for a month. Many policies also pay if you die during the policy time. The same huge range of costs is available, so never, ever go for the first quote you find.
Some plans, known as permanent health insurances or earnings protection policies, guarantee to pay a month-to-month sum till your normal retirement age if you cannot work because of illness or injury. Those policies can be expensive, especially for women because insurance companies think women are ill a lot more often than males.
Generally go looking at all your family and personal situations before taking a plan. If you don't actually need that, and then don't purchase it. The month to month premiums could be helpful to help build up an investment nest-egg.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Ask yourself how many things you know in life. A lot of things right? It's amazing how many things we know, but how little of it that is been done. In fact, I have come to realize that most people know so much, and even say so much but do so little. With all the information available everywhere, online and offline, it's still surprising how nothing seems to change about whatever is been said. This is because sometimes the persons that have access to those things do not practice them. You see so much been written about "How to not be in debts", "Making thousands of dollars online" etc, and yet so many people still run into debts, are broke and still go through major financial crises. Not just that, a whole lot of positive information about living a positive lifestyle abound and most people who have access to these information still suffer negative values.
What then is the problem? It is very simple, we read these things, we listen to them, we watch them and we do not do them! To everything been said about anything, there is a doing part, and trust me, that part is the most important and most of the times, the most difficult. You open some person's PC or their library and you encounter a wave of positive materials! You go through those things and you see principles and words that can change the life of an entire nation, but the very individual that is in possession of the materials lacks a great deal. That is such a waste of information! If you are privileged to have access to information please, you might as well use it, because knowing everything about something and not using the knowledge is not a wise thing to do. Wisdom on the other hand is applying that knowledge to improve on your life and the situations around you.
Sometimes, I take self evaluation to ask myself questions about the so many things I have read, seen or heard. I find out that the percentage of the ones I need to do and I'm doing is not so encouraging, and then I upgrade me! You should do so too. It takes a lot of hard work and time to put up materials, either as video, audio or prints and the least you can do is doing something about it. Take charge and be wise, do what you know, because most times, the most important thing is not really what one knows, but what one can do.
What then is the problem? It is very simple, we read these things, we listen to them, we watch them and we do not do them! To everything been said about anything, there is a doing part, and trust me, that part is the most important and most of the times, the most difficult. You open some person's PC or their library and you encounter a wave of positive materials! You go through those things and you see principles and words that can change the life of an entire nation, but the very individual that is in possession of the materials lacks a great deal. That is such a waste of information! If you are privileged to have access to information please, you might as well use it, because knowing everything about something and not using the knowledge is not a wise thing to do. Wisdom on the other hand is applying that knowledge to improve on your life and the situations around you.
Sometimes, I take self evaluation to ask myself questions about the so many things I have read, seen or heard. I find out that the percentage of the ones I need to do and I'm doing is not so encouraging, and then I upgrade me! You should do so too. It takes a lot of hard work and time to put up materials, either as video, audio or prints and the least you can do is doing something about it. Take charge and be wise, do what you know, because most times, the most important thing is not really what one knows, but what one can do.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
BEST WAYS TO MAKE MONEY NOW...................................
Money is the source of survival. Money plays an important role for a person in the society. Everybody wants money to gain name, fame in the society. Money gives the leisure for everybody. One should understand that Money is not the purpose in life, but a way to manage living. So, of late, people want to earn more money. Other than the regular 9-5 office, people tend to explore ways to earn the extra money as well.
The importance of earning money has to be well defined as well to have a happy living. Money is required to educate children, to buy commodities, to enjoy a vacation by planning holidays. These days, there are a lot of offerings for those who want to earn money.
One can easily earn their extra income by working on Internet or getting into the fantasy of get rich quickly schemes. Internet offers a lot of job opportunities to fulfill the desire to earn the extra money. One needs to take care of the risk involved and must work for the genuine sites without any investments.
Easy ways to earn money now ---
Cut the grass in your neighborhood.
Collect your junk, and sell on eBay, or Craigslist.
Start tutoring neighborhood kids.
Use your skill, and consult, or actually do it.
There are also a lot of other ways also to earn like being the Financial Advisor for a Financial Company. There are quite a few free lancers; writers job available for everybody of any country. It is always a worry if there is debt and having a hand to mouth living. When there is abundance of the money, one can find happiness in the family and also can keep good health.
But, one can even say that the art of making money is by saving money. By regular investments in Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds, etc. is also a source of the extra income that everybody looks for. Money is extremely important for a man to lead is his life happily. When there is understanding of the money and when one values the money, there is proper earning and saving of Money to transform their lives for a better living....
The importance of earning money has to be well defined as well to have a happy living. Money is required to educate children, to buy commodities, to enjoy a vacation by planning holidays. These days, there are a lot of offerings for those who want to earn money.
One can easily earn their extra income by working on Internet or getting into the fantasy of get rich quickly schemes. Internet offers a lot of job opportunities to fulfill the desire to earn the extra money. One needs to take care of the risk involved and must work for the genuine sites without any investments.
Easy ways to earn money now ---
Cut the grass in your neighborhood.
Collect your junk, and sell on eBay, or Craigslist.
Start tutoring neighborhood kids.
Use your skill, and consult, or actually do it.
There are also a lot of other ways also to earn like being the Financial Advisor for a Financial Company. There are quite a few free lancers; writers job available for everybody of any country. It is always a worry if there is debt and having a hand to mouth living. When there is abundance of the money, one can find happiness in the family and also can keep good health.
But, one can even say that the art of making money is by saving money. By regular investments in Fixed Deposits, Mutual Funds, etc. is also a source of the extra income that everybody looks for. Money is extremely important for a man to lead is his life happily. When there is understanding of the money and when one values the money, there is proper earning and saving of Money to transform their lives for a better living....
So many people want to build wealth and they want to build it fast. In these economic times we all want to know that our future is secure. But there are problems with our thinking that prevent us from creating wealth for ourselves.
Here are the 3 Secrets To Wealth Creation:
Secrets To Wealth Creation #1: Don't try to get rich quick.
I know this is cliche by now. But most people think there is a magic formula that makes creating wealth an overnight process. In fact, the secrets to wealth creation are really just as simple as not doing what most people do to try to create wealth.
By trying to create wealth quick people often miss the boat because building wealth is a systematic process.
Secrets To Wealth Creation #2: Educate yourself on building wealth.
Study how money works. Sure you can pick up a book and understand strategies. But, until you understand how money works you are going to keep spinning your wheels and hinder your success in all of the areas around which money works.
Most people don't even think about this. What is the history of money? When did the US go off of the gold standard? How did this affect our economy? How is interest relevant? How does it compound over time?
These are all questions that you should delve deep in to. Having an education around all of the areas in which money works is one of the biggest secrets to wealth creation.
Yes you should learn more about passive and aggressive vehicles and strategies for creating wealth. But you also should understand how our banking system works and all of the areas in which money works.
Secrets To Wealth Creation #3: Wealth is created in the mind.
This is perhaps the most illusive secret of all of the secrets to wealth creation. If you take two people in two opposite ends of the financial spectrum and you dig deep in their minds you'd probably see two very different financial psychologies around creating wealth and money.
How we spend and the emotional decisions we make around money determine how effective we are at creating wealth. Most wealthy people spend far less than those who aren't wealthy. They tend to be excellent at saving money. Live in less expensive homes. And they just have a totally different outlook on money.
These are the 3 of the Secrets to Wealth Creation. Just educating yourself on this stuff will help you immensely on your path to creating wealth for yourself.
Here are the 3 Secrets To Wealth Creation:
Secrets To Wealth Creation #1: Don't try to get rich quick.
I know this is cliche by now. But most people think there is a magic formula that makes creating wealth an overnight process. In fact, the secrets to wealth creation are really just as simple as not doing what most people do to try to create wealth.
By trying to create wealth quick people often miss the boat because building wealth is a systematic process.
Secrets To Wealth Creation #2: Educate yourself on building wealth.
Study how money works. Sure you can pick up a book and understand strategies. But, until you understand how money works you are going to keep spinning your wheels and hinder your success in all of the areas around which money works.
Most people don't even think about this. What is the history of money? When did the US go off of the gold standard? How did this affect our economy? How is interest relevant? How does it compound over time?
These are all questions that you should delve deep in to. Having an education around all of the areas in which money works is one of the biggest secrets to wealth creation.
Yes you should learn more about passive and aggressive vehicles and strategies for creating wealth. But you also should understand how our banking system works and all of the areas in which money works.
Secrets To Wealth Creation #3: Wealth is created in the mind.
This is perhaps the most illusive secret of all of the secrets to wealth creation. If you take two people in two opposite ends of the financial spectrum and you dig deep in their minds you'd probably see two very different financial psychologies around creating wealth and money.
How we spend and the emotional decisions we make around money determine how effective we are at creating wealth. Most wealthy people spend far less than those who aren't wealthy. They tend to be excellent at saving money. Live in less expensive homes. And they just have a totally different outlook on money.
These are the 3 of the Secrets to Wealth Creation. Just educating yourself on this stuff will help you immensely on your path to creating wealth for yourself.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
With so many money making programs flooding the internet these days it can become overwhelming. It can become difficult to determine which ones are legitimate and which
ones are "scams", "gifting programs", or "pyramid schemes". I would recommend doing extensive research on any one particular program before joining.
What you can do and what I look for is, are the owners contact information readily available on their website. This is very important and I would suggest you contact them with any
questions you may have. Take note of how fast they respond to your inquiry and if they seem honest about the costs involved engaging in the program. This will provide invaluable piece of mind and confidence for you in the long run.
I have joined programs without contacting the administrator and have been burned in the past. I have found the ones that provide good communication are the ones worth your time and money. Let's face the facts there are many scams on the internet these days and you do not want to get involved with these. They are just looking to take your money and run. Bottom line be very careful.
There are some programs that even offer various "levels" from which to choose. I would recommend these for anyone looking to add some cash to their bank accounts. In addition some of these really are decent business opportunities which will require
you to obtain a merchant account to accept all types of payment on your websites.
Many of these programs will offer software from which you can download, use for yourself, and later resell for profit. This is a good business model to get involved with on the internet because most purchases on the internet are digital downloads for various
software programs. Most of the software you will receive is worth thousands of dollars that you will have access to at below wholesale cost which will turn big profits for you.
Anyone who is interested in starting their own business online would definitely benefit from doing some research before jumping into whatever looks good. There are unfortunately many programs that just don't work or require tons of cash to benefit from. So do your
homework, call the owners, and decide which program is best suited for you.
ones are "scams", "gifting programs", or "pyramid schemes". I would recommend doing extensive research on any one particular program before joining.
What you can do and what I look for is, are the owners contact information readily available on their website. This is very important and I would suggest you contact them with any
questions you may have. Take note of how fast they respond to your inquiry and if they seem honest about the costs involved engaging in the program. This will provide invaluable piece of mind and confidence for you in the long run.
I have joined programs without contacting the administrator and have been burned in the past. I have found the ones that provide good communication are the ones worth your time and money. Let's face the facts there are many scams on the internet these days and you do not want to get involved with these. They are just looking to take your money and run. Bottom line be very careful.
There are some programs that even offer various "levels" from which to choose. I would recommend these for anyone looking to add some cash to their bank accounts. In addition some of these really are decent business opportunities which will require
you to obtain a merchant account to accept all types of payment on your websites.
Many of these programs will offer software from which you can download, use for yourself, and later resell for profit. This is a good business model to get involved with on the internet because most purchases on the internet are digital downloads for various
software programs. Most of the software you will receive is worth thousands of dollars that you will have access to at below wholesale cost which will turn big profits for you.
Anyone who is interested in starting their own business online would definitely benefit from doing some research before jumping into whatever looks good. There are unfortunately many programs that just don't work or require tons of cash to benefit from. So do your
homework, call the owners, and decide which program is best suited for you.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
There are several wealth creation techniques you can utilize to begin creating the wealth you desire. We live in America the land of the free and the home of the opportunity. So why is it if we have so much opportunity available to us to create the American dream, so few people utilize wealth creation techniques to create a better life. Many people are content holding an eight hour job and end up living paycheck to paycheck.
Only 3% of our society is actually living the American dream, and have the courage to follow and set their goals. While the other 97% live day to day just living their days like zombies without goals and not utilizing wealth creation techniques. When you begin thinking about creating wealth and using wealth creation techniques, opportunities will begin to expose themselves to you. You must be willing to take action on those that present themselves to you. People who create wealth through wealth creation techniques and follow their dreams have been willing to take some risks in their lives.
Without some sort of risk, we can never accomplish anything great and worthwhile. I bet you have never heard of a successful person who was not willing to take some sort of risk. when you take
risks to create the life of your dreams, you are not just taking an uneducated risk. You will take the time to explore the opportunities that present themselves and have time to decide if they are the right ones for you. However you will not want to get stuck in analysis paralysis because this will prevent you from moving forward and you will never get anywhere.
Wealth creation techniques do not have to be full of risk. You can find an opportunity that will let you spend more time with your family and the ability to make a better life than you presently are living. Yes you can have anything you desire and if it is more wealth that you desire; there are several ways to tap into the wealth of the universe to experience more. You can provide service to others and receive payment for it.
While you are pursuing these wealth creation techniques you can maintain your day job. This will help keep the stress off of you so you can focus on prosperity and keep your mind off of "lack." It will also minimize your risk taking and the reward that you will experience will pay off huge.
So next time do not be afraid to follow your dreams and always believe that you can create the life you desire. Do not be scared to follow your dreams. Yes sometimes we may not reach our goals that we set for ourselves, however the more often you set goals and have the belief and the faith that you will reach any goal that you set for yourself you will begin to reach all your goals.
Wealth creation techniques are just a way for you to begin living a life you truly deserve, you deserve to go after your goals, so let's begin today.
Only 3% of our society is actually living the American dream, and have the courage to follow and set their goals. While the other 97% live day to day just living their days like zombies without goals and not utilizing wealth creation techniques. When you begin thinking about creating wealth and using wealth creation techniques, opportunities will begin to expose themselves to you. You must be willing to take action on those that present themselves to you. People who create wealth through wealth creation techniques and follow their dreams have been willing to take some risks in their lives.
Without some sort of risk, we can never accomplish anything great and worthwhile. I bet you have never heard of a successful person who was not willing to take some sort of risk. when you take
risks to create the life of your dreams, you are not just taking an uneducated risk. You will take the time to explore the opportunities that present themselves and have time to decide if they are the right ones for you. However you will not want to get stuck in analysis paralysis because this will prevent you from moving forward and you will never get anywhere.
Wealth creation techniques do not have to be full of risk. You can find an opportunity that will let you spend more time with your family and the ability to make a better life than you presently are living. Yes you can have anything you desire and if it is more wealth that you desire; there are several ways to tap into the wealth of the universe to experience more. You can provide service to others and receive payment for it.
While you are pursuing these wealth creation techniques you can maintain your day job. This will help keep the stress off of you so you can focus on prosperity and keep your mind off of "lack." It will also minimize your risk taking and the reward that you will experience will pay off huge.
So next time do not be afraid to follow your dreams and always believe that you can create the life you desire. Do not be scared to follow your dreams. Yes sometimes we may not reach our goals that we set for ourselves, however the more often you set goals and have the belief and the faith that you will reach any goal that you set for yourself you will begin to reach all your goals.
Wealth creation techniques are just a way for you to begin living a life you truly deserve, you deserve to go after your goals, so let's begin today.
While working late into the night on my saga, The House of Joshua, I was beginning to feel a bit tired. I had been working for hours and my back and neck were feeling the stress. I reached up to rub my aching neck and to my surprise I felt a lump. I'd never noticed that before. I felt the other side and I couldn't find the lump I was hoping to find. After all, if there had been one on the other side in the same area, I would just assume it was all part of me and supposed to be there. I closed my computer for the night and went to bed, only to deal with a night of insomnia.
The following morning I called the office of my Primary Care Physician and made an appointment. It may be nothing, I thought, but I'll just see him and put my mind at ease. When I left his office I realized that it may be a long time before I would be at ease again. He sent me to a surgeon and that's when the chaos really began. A barrage of tests began and before I knew what was happening I was sent to a cancer specialist. I'll never forget the shock. Not only did I have cancer, but it was diagnosed as Stage 4. I can't express the many different emotions that ran through me. The attending oncologist could see my dismay (I'm sure she sees it in all of her patients that are diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer), and she kindly said, "I can't say we can cure you, but this IS treatable." That helped, but I couldn't help but wonder, "Why me?" I was the primary caregiver of an autistic granddaughter and had been so from the day she was born. What was to happen to her? I had just published the first book of a series of six. I had thought this was a project assigned by God, Himself. I was in the process of being recorded as a Quaker Pastor. I had believed this was my calling. What kind of joke was God pulling on me?
As I drove home that day I think I must have been feeling very sorry for myself. My mind wandered back to my past and I began to recall my adversity. I remembered that a good friend had said, "Mary, I believe you were born to adversity." Then and there in my car as I drove hopelessly toward my house and my autistic granddaughter, I accepted that statement as truth. I had lived my life as a Christian, tried to cling firmly to my faith, and spent my life serving others as I believed God would have me do. Where was He now? What would happen to this autistic child if I were to succumb to cancer?
I spent the next few days reading the Scriptures, trying to find answers and seeking to find something there that would ground me in my faith. Finally my eyes rested upon a passage and it went straight to my soul. James 1:1-5 says: "Dear Brothers and Sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy, for when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. If you need wisdom - if you want to know what God wants you to do - ask Him, and He will gladly tell you." New Living Translation.
As I looked back at my past experiences I could see how He used every one to prepare me for my ministry in the future. Is this another test? I began to sort through my experiences to study the history of my past tests of strength and endurance and how I was blessed by the results. I could see how precious these had become as they were just what I needed to help others with similar occurrences in their lives. I realized more than ever that we are not created and placed on this planet to just live a life of selfishness, unattached to the rest of the human race. Rather, we are here for the purpose of loving God and loving each other - loving with a passion to bring happiness and peace to our fellow man.
After my youngest child started to school I began to pour myself into my ministry. I accepted a position with a fairly large congregation, began to delve into my seminary studies, and devoted my life and time to my family and to a community I learned to love. Not long after, I became a Christian Counselor and that is when I began to use my previous tests of life to minister appropriately to others.
These life lessons began from birth. I was born to an alcoholic mother who didn't want me. My grandmother coddled and cared for me until she died. I was a little over two years old when I was returned to my mother who reluctantly took me in. She was abusive and I experienced beatings and neglect from her, but God was good, in that the father he gave me was a Saint. He never knew of her attitude while he was working and although he pretended not to know about her drinking, I'm sure he must have known. She made every effort to imitate the perfect wife and mother and my siblings and I accommodated that desire for our father's sake.
I was brutally raped by one of her suitors, after which time I was convinced by my mother (without my father's knowledge), that I would never be suitable for marriage because I was dirty and "used up". I took a chance and married a man who was generally kind, a hard worker and bipolar with the hope that he would never know what happened to me. I felt if he did, he would toss me away like a piece of rubbish. I wasn't aware of his bipolar disorder until after we were married. We had been married for 57 years before he passed.
I desperately wanted children and although I ended up with three wonderful children, I lost eight in the process. My youngest daughter, a sweet, spiritual young lady, married a man who in time proved to be gay and went his merry way, leaving her with a child. She tried to deal with this for a while, then, feeling guilt and depression she turned to drugs, leaving me with her baby. I prayed for my daughter daily, but she had begun to mix with the wrong crowd, those she could identify with in relation to her new twist and my prayers seemed to go unanswered. A few months later she gave birth to another child and I took the responsibility for that one, also. We were to learn later that the first child was bipolar and the second was autistic. However, I saw each of them as a blessing and through it all, tried to keep them as attached to their mother as I possibly could.
As life went on, I developed breast cancer. I continued to care for the little ones and my husband. He had been strong in his youth, but in his 40's he had a coronary that took at least one fourth of his heart. From then on, he required help and attention. Once the children grew to be in their teens, he developed Alzheimer's disease and there I was with a teen-age bipolar granddaughter, an autistic granddaughter, and an Alzheimer's husband - all in the house with me as the caregiver.
These are just a few of the trials I have faced as I've journeyed through this life. Now how could all of these tests be considered a blessing? I have learned that they were - each and every one of them because at least one person has come to me for counseling with a like situation and their problems have touched on each of the lessons I have learned.
I sat in my office and listened as a young man confessed that he always felt unwanted. He went on to say that he was given away at birth and that he had no idea who his birth mother was. "Who could love me if my own mother didn't want me," he mumbled. That was such a familiar phrase to me. I thought of the many years that I had felt the same way. I was able to help him to see that there are many reasons why people do the things they do. Perhaps she had felt it was in his best interest. She may not have had the means to provide for him properly. Whatever her reason, he needed to realize that the incident that happened at birth need not affect his entire adult life. Rather, it should help him to find peace within himself and then go forth to help another with the same problem. After several visits he began to see his own self worth and accept himself as someone who deserved to be loved. First, he had to accept himself. Had this not happened to me, could I have been such help to him?
I see the lovely young lady across the desk from me. She's 24 years old, beautiful, intelligent and accomplished. She began to talk about her relationships and told me about her loyal friends. She didn't go out much, worked extra hours on the job (without pay) and spent a lot of time alone except for the times she communicated with her friends at work, through emails and instant messages. "Is there no significant other in your life?" I asked. She admitted that there really was not. At first she would tell me that she was too busy, not interested in a relationship with the opposite sex, or that she had better things to do alone.
During the third visit she began to open up and be truthful. She had been sexually abused by her step-father on more than one occasion. He kept reminding her that if she told her mother she would break her own mother's heart. Eventually she became pregnant. Her mother called her the usual names one hears in situations like these and forced her to have an abortion. She would often remind her that she would never have a successful relationship with any man because of her behavior. The girl took this to heart and avoided every suitor who approached her. Since all of her friends were female, people began to think of her as part of the gay crowd. I didn't have to expose my experience, but relating to the means by which I worked through my own problem I was successful in helping her to work through hers. Had I not had that experience, would I have been as helpful to her?
The story goes on. If I had not known the grief of losing a child, how could I have understood the heartache of another in the same situation? Had I not raised an autistic child, how could I have related my successful experiences to others as I do today? If I had not had breast cancer, how would I understand the emotional pain of one who had to face a mastectomy? All things DO work together for good for those who love the Lord and who use those trials as learning experiences to reach out to others.
Now I wonder. Here I am again, facing another challenge. Let me say that the daughter who was unable to care for her daughter has gone through drug withdrawal and to my surprise will be capable of loving and caring for her own child after I am gone. I am so proud of her. The granddaughter I raised in a Christian home strayed far from God. She has regained her faith in God, planning a Christian upbringing for the child she is expecting, and serving Him with all that she has. My heart leaps inside me as I rejoice in that miracle. Already I can see Treasure in my Trials. Can you?
The following morning I called the office of my Primary Care Physician and made an appointment. It may be nothing, I thought, but I'll just see him and put my mind at ease. When I left his office I realized that it may be a long time before I would be at ease again. He sent me to a surgeon and that's when the chaos really began. A barrage of tests began and before I knew what was happening I was sent to a cancer specialist. I'll never forget the shock. Not only did I have cancer, but it was diagnosed as Stage 4. I can't express the many different emotions that ran through me. The attending oncologist could see my dismay (I'm sure she sees it in all of her patients that are diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer), and she kindly said, "I can't say we can cure you, but this IS treatable." That helped, but I couldn't help but wonder, "Why me?" I was the primary caregiver of an autistic granddaughter and had been so from the day she was born. What was to happen to her? I had just published the first book of a series of six. I had thought this was a project assigned by God, Himself. I was in the process of being recorded as a Quaker Pastor. I had believed this was my calling. What kind of joke was God pulling on me?
As I drove home that day I think I must have been feeling very sorry for myself. My mind wandered back to my past and I began to recall my adversity. I remembered that a good friend had said, "Mary, I believe you were born to adversity." Then and there in my car as I drove hopelessly toward my house and my autistic granddaughter, I accepted that statement as truth. I had lived my life as a Christian, tried to cling firmly to my faith, and spent my life serving others as I believed God would have me do. Where was He now? What would happen to this autistic child if I were to succumb to cancer?
I spent the next few days reading the Scriptures, trying to find answers and seeking to find something there that would ground me in my faith. Finally my eyes rested upon a passage and it went straight to my soul. James 1:1-5 says: "Dear Brothers and Sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy, for when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So, let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. If you need wisdom - if you want to know what God wants you to do - ask Him, and He will gladly tell you." New Living Translation.
As I looked back at my past experiences I could see how He used every one to prepare me for my ministry in the future. Is this another test? I began to sort through my experiences to study the history of my past tests of strength and endurance and how I was blessed by the results. I could see how precious these had become as they were just what I needed to help others with similar occurrences in their lives. I realized more than ever that we are not created and placed on this planet to just live a life of selfishness, unattached to the rest of the human race. Rather, we are here for the purpose of loving God and loving each other - loving with a passion to bring happiness and peace to our fellow man.
After my youngest child started to school I began to pour myself into my ministry. I accepted a position with a fairly large congregation, began to delve into my seminary studies, and devoted my life and time to my family and to a community I learned to love. Not long after, I became a Christian Counselor and that is when I began to use my previous tests of life to minister appropriately to others.
These life lessons began from birth. I was born to an alcoholic mother who didn't want me. My grandmother coddled and cared for me until she died. I was a little over two years old when I was returned to my mother who reluctantly took me in. She was abusive and I experienced beatings and neglect from her, but God was good, in that the father he gave me was a Saint. He never knew of her attitude while he was working and although he pretended not to know about her drinking, I'm sure he must have known. She made every effort to imitate the perfect wife and mother and my siblings and I accommodated that desire for our father's sake.
I was brutally raped by one of her suitors, after which time I was convinced by my mother (without my father's knowledge), that I would never be suitable for marriage because I was dirty and "used up". I took a chance and married a man who was generally kind, a hard worker and bipolar with the hope that he would never know what happened to me. I felt if he did, he would toss me away like a piece of rubbish. I wasn't aware of his bipolar disorder until after we were married. We had been married for 57 years before he passed.
I desperately wanted children and although I ended up with three wonderful children, I lost eight in the process. My youngest daughter, a sweet, spiritual young lady, married a man who in time proved to be gay and went his merry way, leaving her with a child. She tried to deal with this for a while, then, feeling guilt and depression she turned to drugs, leaving me with her baby. I prayed for my daughter daily, but she had begun to mix with the wrong crowd, those she could identify with in relation to her new twist and my prayers seemed to go unanswered. A few months later she gave birth to another child and I took the responsibility for that one, also. We were to learn later that the first child was bipolar and the second was autistic. However, I saw each of them as a blessing and through it all, tried to keep them as attached to their mother as I possibly could.
As life went on, I developed breast cancer. I continued to care for the little ones and my husband. He had been strong in his youth, but in his 40's he had a coronary that took at least one fourth of his heart. From then on, he required help and attention. Once the children grew to be in their teens, he developed Alzheimer's disease and there I was with a teen-age bipolar granddaughter, an autistic granddaughter, and an Alzheimer's husband - all in the house with me as the caregiver.
These are just a few of the trials I have faced as I've journeyed through this life. Now how could all of these tests be considered a blessing? I have learned that they were - each and every one of them because at least one person has come to me for counseling with a like situation and their problems have touched on each of the lessons I have learned.
I sat in my office and listened as a young man confessed that he always felt unwanted. He went on to say that he was given away at birth and that he had no idea who his birth mother was. "Who could love me if my own mother didn't want me," he mumbled. That was such a familiar phrase to me. I thought of the many years that I had felt the same way. I was able to help him to see that there are many reasons why people do the things they do. Perhaps she had felt it was in his best interest. She may not have had the means to provide for him properly. Whatever her reason, he needed to realize that the incident that happened at birth need not affect his entire adult life. Rather, it should help him to find peace within himself and then go forth to help another with the same problem. After several visits he began to see his own self worth and accept himself as someone who deserved to be loved. First, he had to accept himself. Had this not happened to me, could I have been such help to him?
I see the lovely young lady across the desk from me. She's 24 years old, beautiful, intelligent and accomplished. She began to talk about her relationships and told me about her loyal friends. She didn't go out much, worked extra hours on the job (without pay) and spent a lot of time alone except for the times she communicated with her friends at work, through emails and instant messages. "Is there no significant other in your life?" I asked. She admitted that there really was not. At first she would tell me that she was too busy, not interested in a relationship with the opposite sex, or that she had better things to do alone.
During the third visit she began to open up and be truthful. She had been sexually abused by her step-father on more than one occasion. He kept reminding her that if she told her mother she would break her own mother's heart. Eventually she became pregnant. Her mother called her the usual names one hears in situations like these and forced her to have an abortion. She would often remind her that she would never have a successful relationship with any man because of her behavior. The girl took this to heart and avoided every suitor who approached her. Since all of her friends were female, people began to think of her as part of the gay crowd. I didn't have to expose my experience, but relating to the means by which I worked through my own problem I was successful in helping her to work through hers. Had I not had that experience, would I have been as helpful to her?
The story goes on. If I had not known the grief of losing a child, how could I have understood the heartache of another in the same situation? Had I not raised an autistic child, how could I have related my successful experiences to others as I do today? If I had not had breast cancer, how would I understand the emotional pain of one who had to face a mastectomy? All things DO work together for good for those who love the Lord and who use those trials as learning experiences to reach out to others.
Now I wonder. Here I am again, facing another challenge. Let me say that the daughter who was unable to care for her daughter has gone through drug withdrawal and to my surprise will be capable of loving and caring for her own child after I am gone. I am so proud of her. The granddaughter I raised in a Christian home strayed far from God. She has regained her faith in God, planning a Christian upbringing for the child she is expecting, and serving Him with all that she has. My heart leaps inside me as I rejoice in that miracle. Already I can see Treasure in my Trials. Can you?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
With so many money making programs flooding the internet these days it can become overwhelming. It can become difficult to determine which ones are legitimate and which
ones are "scams", "gifting programs", or "pyramid schemes". I would recommend doing extensive research on any one particular program before joining.
What you can do and what I look for is, are the owners contact information readily available on their website. This is very important and I would suggest you contact them with any
questions you may have. Take note of how fast they respond to your inquiry and if they seem honest about the costs involved engaging in the program. This will provide invaluable piece of mind and confidence for you in the long run.
I have joined programs without contacting the administrator and have been burned in the past. I have found the ones that provide good communication are the ones worth your time and money. Let's face the facts there are many scams on the internet these days and you do not want to get involved with these. They are just looking to take your money and run. Bottom line be very careful.
There are some programs that even offer various "levels" from which to choose. I would recommend these for anyone looking to add some cash to their bank accounts. In addition some of these really are decent business opportunities which will require
you to obtain a merchant account to accept all types of payment on your websites.
Many of these programs will offer software from which you can download, use for yourself, and later resell for profit. This is a good business model to get involved with on the internet because most purchases on the internet are digital downloads for various
software programs. Most of the software you will receive is worth thousands of dollars that you will have access to at below wholesale cost which will turn big profits for you.
Anyone who is interested in starting their own business online would definitely benefit from doing some research before jumping into whatever looks good. There are unfortunately many programs that just don't work or require tons of cash to benefit from. So do your
homework, call the owners, and decide which program is best suited for you.
How to develop good money making ideas and do it in a right way?
It isn't the billions of ideas, that pop up in the minds of humans around the globe that make money. Very few ideas are worth the time it took for the thought. Most ideas are fleeting "sparks" that go no place and are forgotten before the next day. Of the ideas that are good, very few are followed up and ever end up as a worthwhile development in the market place. Most people are just not oriented to do anything about their ideas, while others believe it would take too much of their time and money to follow through to completion. This leaves the market place wide open for the person who learns how to "Create" Profitable Ideas!
There are three major formats you can use to create profitable idea:
1. Find something that already exists, the presence of which has never been known before.
2. Invent something. Most inventions are merely new arrangements of things that have already been invented.
3. Alter or improve in any number of different ways something that already exists.
As you "Create" ideas, write them down. What you dream up can be your key to great wealth. Keep your mind "open" as you go through each day. What did you notice in the department store that would reduce costs, save money or increase sales if some simple procedure were added or something changed?
Ideas for improvements are one of the most valuable things you can contribute to society and at the same time add to your bank account. To create ideas for improvements, consider every possibility and alternative for the thing you want to improve.
Learn to create ideas by evaluating all the different aspects of the product, method or concept you are interested in. Put your imagination and subconscious to work and write down your thoughts pertaining to each of the things you expect to improve. Use the New Wealth, "Idea Format" that follows as your guide for creating Money-Making improvements.
Idea Format:
List the things you want to improve:
- Why should it be improved?
- Who will benefit from the improvement?
- What is wrong with it at the present time?
- Did someone else cause a problem with it?
- How do you propose to improve it?
- Do you have the facilities to do the work required?
- Do you have the know-how to do the work required to improve it?
- Exactly what part needs to be improved?
- Should it be smaller? Larger?
- Should the color be different?
- Would more activity help make it better?
- Could it be combined with something else to make it more practical?
- Would a different basic material work better?
- Is it too complicated, could it be simplified?
- Would a substitute be more meaningful?
- Is it priced too high?
- Would a change in personnel help the situation?
- Can the shape be changed to advantage?
- Can a new marketing plan make the difference?
- Is it safe?
- Can it be mass produced to bring the unit cost down?
- Should the appearance be changed... streamlined?
- Is there an adequate guarantee?
- What can make it appeal to a bigger audience?
- Would new packaging or trade name enhance it?
- Can it be made heavier, lighter, higher or lower?
- Can it be franchised?
- Is there a good maintenance program to back it up?
- Can financing be simplified?
- List ways to increase production:
- List ways to increase sales:
- List ways to reduce costs:
- List ways to increase efficiency:
- List ways to improve quality and increase profits!
- What can be done with it to satisfy more people?
This New Wealth "Idea Format" will start the ideas "sparking" and as related ideas come to mind write them down in every variation you can think of. Do not judge the good or bad points of the ideas as they materialize to you, just write them down and judge them afterwards. You will stop the flow of ideas if you are critical of your thoughts before you put them on paper. When you have answered everything you can about the product or concept and know how it fits in with your plans, sit down and evaluate all the details you have written.
After you have found (created) a good idea, follow it up with questions on what should be your next move in order to do something about it, then act! Get it moving. Expose it to the world with sufficient tests to determine the value!
Come up with ideas that are still in the processing stage rather than get stuck on several vague points that may be worked out later as your subconscious goes to work. If your idea fails, so what; you are just that much closer to finalizing another one, then another... until a useful more valuable idea is born. Every manufacturing plant, retailer, attorney, accountant; every business person, large or small, cannot continue to operate in the competitive world of today without someone in the organization constantly coming up with new and better ideas!
Old ideas drop by the wayside as new ideas take their place. Old companies without new ideas fade away.
Those who learn and know how to create ideas and anticipate the changes needed, as the future evolves, have the opportunity to be a great success with big money-making potential!
Another "tool" you can use to help dream up that million idea, is to spend several minutes each evening, relaxed with your eyes closed. Pick any object that comes to mind and try to change it in your "mind's eye". Change it in every manner you can think of to improve it.
The following evening pick another subject or object and repeat the process. Soon you will be using 20% of your brain power instead of the 10% normally used by the average person. As your knowledge and "brain power" increase so will your bank account.
Just think what we could accomplish if we could get the other 80% of our brain power working? On second thought, let's not try to get 100% efficiency out of your human computer . . . we would probably blow up the world for sure.
Protecting Your Idea
When you have come up with a good idea, write a full description of it and make a sketch if necessary. Place the written information, the sketch and any other pertinent facts or documents in an envelope addressed to yourself. Have the post office seal the envelope with a date stamp over the flap, then send it to yourself by registered mail. Keep the envelope, unopened, in the event you need to prove ownership. Of course if your product has a properly registered trade mark, has been copyrighted, or you have a U.S. patent you are protected from infringement.
A Few Idea "Sparks" !
When you come up with an idea, program or product that is so superior in style or performance that it is unbelievable you may need a notarized statement to assure your customer you are offering an honest deal.
Make a habit of examining each piece of correspondence you receive, taking care of it right at the time, do what is necessary right then. Never put it aside to be handled a second time if it all practical. This can save more time than anything else for an executive who handles a large amount of correspondence and mail. You can also save many more hours each week by doing several of the most important things that need to be done each day before you take up other, time consuming important details.
Another good way to "spark" ideas is to go through the classified and want ads in the newspaper ... Also the yellow pages of your telephone directory. As you read, think of something that would be of value to the company or person, or enhance the item you are reading about.
In summary, learn to develop ideas from observing everyday things and details. Think of what could make something better. Dwell on things that have a large marketing audience, something that everyone needs and wants. Write your ideas down. Put a pencil and pad at your night stand. When you remember a good dream... don't just lay there, by morning you will forget it... Jot it down on the pad. You will be surprised what you can dream up! Maybe the million dollar idea will magically appear on your pad tomorrow morning.
It isn't the billions of ideas, that pop up in the minds of humans around the globe that make money. Very few ideas are worth the time it took for the thought. Most ideas are fleeting "sparks" that go no place and are forgotten before the next day. Of the ideas that are good, very few are followed up and ever end up as a worthwhile development in the market place. Most people are just not oriented to do anything about their ideas, while others believe it would take too much of their time and money to follow through to completion. This leaves the market place wide open for the person who learns how to "Create" Profitable Ideas!
There are three major formats you can use to create profitable idea:
1. Find something that already exists, the presence of which has never been known before.
2. Invent something. Most inventions are merely new arrangements of things that have already been invented.
3. Alter or improve in any number of different ways something that already exists.
As you "Create" ideas, write them down. What you dream up can be your key to great wealth. Keep your mind "open" as you go through each day. What did you notice in the department store that would reduce costs, save money or increase sales if some simple procedure were added or something changed?
Ideas for improvements are one of the most valuable things you can contribute to society and at the same time add to your bank account. To create ideas for improvements, consider every possibility and alternative for the thing you want to improve.
Learn to create ideas by evaluating all the different aspects of the product, method or concept you are interested in. Put your imagination and subconscious to work and write down your thoughts pertaining to each of the things you expect to improve. Use the New Wealth, "Idea Format" that follows as your guide for creating Money-Making improvements.
Idea Format:
List the things you want to improve:
- Why should it be improved?
- Who will benefit from the improvement?
- What is wrong with it at the present time?
- Did someone else cause a problem with it?
- How do you propose to improve it?
- Do you have the facilities to do the work required?
- Do you have the know-how to do the work required to improve it?
- Exactly what part needs to be improved?
- Should it be smaller? Larger?
- Should the color be different?
- Would more activity help make it better?
- Could it be combined with something else to make it more practical?
- Would a different basic material work better?
- Is it too complicated, could it be simplified?
- Would a substitute be more meaningful?
- Is it priced too high?
- Would a change in personnel help the situation?
- Can the shape be changed to advantage?
- Can a new marketing plan make the difference?
- Is it safe?
- Can it be mass produced to bring the unit cost down?
- Should the appearance be changed... streamlined?
- Is there an adequate guarantee?
- What can make it appeal to a bigger audience?
- Would new packaging or trade name enhance it?
- Can it be made heavier, lighter, higher or lower?
- Can it be franchised?
- Is there a good maintenance program to back it up?
- Can financing be simplified?
- List ways to increase production:
- List ways to increase sales:
- List ways to reduce costs:
- List ways to increase efficiency:
- List ways to improve quality and increase profits!
- What can be done with it to satisfy more people?
This New Wealth "Idea Format" will start the ideas "sparking" and as related ideas come to mind write them down in every variation you can think of. Do not judge the good or bad points of the ideas as they materialize to you, just write them down and judge them afterwards. You will stop the flow of ideas if you are critical of your thoughts before you put them on paper. When you have answered everything you can about the product or concept and know how it fits in with your plans, sit down and evaluate all the details you have written.
After you have found (created) a good idea, follow it up with questions on what should be your next move in order to do something about it, then act! Get it moving. Expose it to the world with sufficient tests to determine the value!
Come up with ideas that are still in the processing stage rather than get stuck on several vague points that may be worked out later as your subconscious goes to work. If your idea fails, so what; you are just that much closer to finalizing another one, then another... until a useful more valuable idea is born. Every manufacturing plant, retailer, attorney, accountant; every business person, large or small, cannot continue to operate in the competitive world of today without someone in the organization constantly coming up with new and better ideas!
Old ideas drop by the wayside as new ideas take their place. Old companies without new ideas fade away.
Those who learn and know how to create ideas and anticipate the changes needed, as the future evolves, have the opportunity to be a great success with big money-making potential!
Another "tool" you can use to help dream up that million idea, is to spend several minutes each evening, relaxed with your eyes closed. Pick any object that comes to mind and try to change it in your "mind's eye". Change it in every manner you can think of to improve it.
The following evening pick another subject or object and repeat the process. Soon you will be using 20% of your brain power instead of the 10% normally used by the average person. As your knowledge and "brain power" increase so will your bank account.
Just think what we could accomplish if we could get the other 80% of our brain power working? On second thought, let's not try to get 100% efficiency out of your human computer . . . we would probably blow up the world for sure.
Protecting Your Idea
When you have come up with a good idea, write a full description of it and make a sketch if necessary. Place the written information, the sketch and any other pertinent facts or documents in an envelope addressed to yourself. Have the post office seal the envelope with a date stamp over the flap, then send it to yourself by registered mail. Keep the envelope, unopened, in the event you need to prove ownership. Of course if your product has a properly registered trade mark, has been copyrighted, or you have a U.S. patent you are protected from infringement.
A Few Idea "Sparks" !
When you come up with an idea, program or product that is so superior in style or performance that it is unbelievable you may need a notarized statement to assure your customer you are offering an honest deal.
Make a habit of examining each piece of correspondence you receive, taking care of it right at the time, do what is necessary right then. Never put it aside to be handled a second time if it all practical. This can save more time than anything else for an executive who handles a large amount of correspondence and mail. You can also save many more hours each week by doing several of the most important things that need to be done each day before you take up other, time consuming important details.
Another good way to "spark" ideas is to go through the classified and want ads in the newspaper ... Also the yellow pages of your telephone directory. As you read, think of something that would be of value to the company or person, or enhance the item you are reading about.
In summary, learn to develop ideas from observing everyday things and details. Think of what could make something better. Dwell on things that have a large marketing audience, something that everyone needs and wants. Write your ideas down. Put a pencil and pad at your night stand. When you remember a good dream... don't just lay there, by morning you will forget it... Jot it down on the pad. You will be surprised what you can dream up! Maybe the million dollar idea will magically appear on your pad tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
With the school year in full swing, now is a great time to re-assess your child's progress and ensure that he or she is on track to a successful academic year. Academic success like, athletic success, breeds self confidence and builds self esteem and is at critical - if not more so, for your child's future. And while not every child is destined for academic genius status, or even straight A's, there are a number of steps you can take to help smooth the waters and make school more enjoyable. With a few organization and success techniques, there is no reason to why any student can't become more successful and enjoy respectable (if not stellar) academic progress.
1. Envision Goals and Success
It's often said that the palest ink is stronger than the best memory. Setting goals for the academic years, writing them down and referring to them can really help your child get in the right mindset for success. Start by asking her to envision what a successful school year look like. Ask her to think about which subjects she does well, which one she doesn't. What does she like/dislike about school? Then follow up with some more specific goals - Would she get straight A's in every subject? Does she wish to stop dreading math tests?
Once all that is done, encourage her to put her thoughts in a letter, a goal list, a story or a collage. Have her hang her "Success Map" someplace where she can see it daily, like her study area, or on the family message board.
At the end of each quarter, review the map with her and see how she's doing. Look for areas to praise, and areas to improve on. If she's been successful in all areas, find ways to keep her going, or look for more goals.
2. Shop Wisely for Supplies
Having the right supplies can make all the difference. But school supplies can really add up. So try this method to help control costs and avoid meltdowns at the store. Take a piece of paper and label one side "Supplies for School" and the other side, "Supplies for Home". Most teachers or schools provide a list of supplies, so you can use that, but keep in mind that separate notebooks and folders for each subject help with organization. One central planner or homework pad where all assignments get listed is a help. For writing or paper intensive classes, consider a binder, ideally one that zips up.
For supplies at home, consider extra paper, notebooks, pads, pens, computer paper, and things like scissors and staples. Store these things in your child's study area and take stock of supplies every month - or have your child do it and make it his responsibility to add to the shopping list.
And when you do go shopping, hand the list off to your child and let him shop for himself. This will allow him to be more invested in his success - after all he can't say he hates the folder if he picked it out. Be sure to check the cart contents before checking out to see what has "sneaked in."
3. Create Study Central
All kids need a place to call their own for studying. But not all kids need the traditional desk in room - in fact you may prefer to have them do homework and study in a central location so you can monitor them - and keep up with the subject yourself. But any study area should have good lighting, electrical outlets, a hard flat surface to spread out books and papers, an absence of distractions and a place to house supplies. Some kids will love the stationary desk and you can stock up on supplies. Other kids will move around, and to minimize the time spent searching for a pen, paper, etc, consider creating a mobile supply unit - a file box with separate folders for each item.
Invest in a filing milk crate and set up a hanging folder for each teacher/class. Use it to file papers - consider one file for "done" work and one for work in progress. Work with you child to ensure that papers filed in school folders or scrunched in the bottom of a backpack move into the filing system - set a two-week schedule for this and you'll find that the task is manageable.
If you use a binder - one for all classes or one for each class, set up a system and schedule to move papers into the binder and out into the file box so that the binder doesn't become mammoth and unwieldy.
4. Locker Organization
If your child is in middle-school, he or she might have a locker for the first time. The locker is an important storage space for kids and a great way to teach them organization skills. In most cases, the locker should be their space and off-limits to you. You can provide them with a locker shelf to help them stack books and binders, magnets, sticky note pads, and a magnetic pen box. A dry-erase board might also be helpful to jot down notes.
Since lockers can easily become a dumping ground, consider giving your child this list of Do's and Don'ts
- Do Replace materials to their original location
- Don't just throw things in
- Use magnets to hold up important papers
- Don't just drop papers into your locker
- Don't expect anyone else to organize your locker for you
As your child enters middle-school it's important that she starts to take personal responsibility for her success - but as a parent you need to provide the structure to make this possible.
1. Envision Goals and Success
It's often said that the palest ink is stronger than the best memory. Setting goals for the academic years, writing them down and referring to them can really help your child get in the right mindset for success. Start by asking her to envision what a successful school year look like. Ask her to think about which subjects she does well, which one she doesn't. What does she like/dislike about school? Then follow up with some more specific goals - Would she get straight A's in every subject? Does she wish to stop dreading math tests?
Once all that is done, encourage her to put her thoughts in a letter, a goal list, a story or a collage. Have her hang her "Success Map" someplace where she can see it daily, like her study area, or on the family message board.
At the end of each quarter, review the map with her and see how she's doing. Look for areas to praise, and areas to improve on. If she's been successful in all areas, find ways to keep her going, or look for more goals.
2. Shop Wisely for Supplies
Having the right supplies can make all the difference. But school supplies can really add up. So try this method to help control costs and avoid meltdowns at the store. Take a piece of paper and label one side "Supplies for School" and the other side, "Supplies for Home". Most teachers or schools provide a list of supplies, so you can use that, but keep in mind that separate notebooks and folders for each subject help with organization. One central planner or homework pad where all assignments get listed is a help. For writing or paper intensive classes, consider a binder, ideally one that zips up.
For supplies at home, consider extra paper, notebooks, pads, pens, computer paper, and things like scissors and staples. Store these things in your child's study area and take stock of supplies every month - or have your child do it and make it his responsibility to add to the shopping list.
And when you do go shopping, hand the list off to your child and let him shop for himself. This will allow him to be more invested in his success - after all he can't say he hates the folder if he picked it out. Be sure to check the cart contents before checking out to see what has "sneaked in."
3. Create Study Central
All kids need a place to call their own for studying. But not all kids need the traditional desk in room - in fact you may prefer to have them do homework and study in a central location so you can monitor them - and keep up with the subject yourself. But any study area should have good lighting, electrical outlets, a hard flat surface to spread out books and papers, an absence of distractions and a place to house supplies. Some kids will love the stationary desk and you can stock up on supplies. Other kids will move around, and to minimize the time spent searching for a pen, paper, etc, consider creating a mobile supply unit - a file box with separate folders for each item.
Invest in a filing milk crate and set up a hanging folder for each teacher/class. Use it to file papers - consider one file for "done" work and one for work in progress. Work with you child to ensure that papers filed in school folders or scrunched in the bottom of a backpack move into the filing system - set a two-week schedule for this and you'll find that the task is manageable.
If you use a binder - one for all classes or one for each class, set up a system and schedule to move papers into the binder and out into the file box so that the binder doesn't become mammoth and unwieldy.
4. Locker Organization
If your child is in middle-school, he or she might have a locker for the first time. The locker is an important storage space for kids and a great way to teach them organization skills. In most cases, the locker should be their space and off-limits to you. You can provide them with a locker shelf to help them stack books and binders, magnets, sticky note pads, and a magnetic pen box. A dry-erase board might also be helpful to jot down notes.
Since lockers can easily become a dumping ground, consider giving your child this list of Do's and Don'ts
- Do Replace materials to their original location
- Don't just throw things in
- Use magnets to hold up important papers
- Don't just drop papers into your locker
- Don't expect anyone else to organize your locker for you
As your child enters middle-school it's important that she starts to take personal responsibility for her success - but as a parent you need to provide the structure to make this possible.
Power is such an aphrodisiac that at some stage of our lives we are attracted to it. When I became a lawyer it was a recipe to print money. Of course after awhile I saw that it also left me empty inside as I had all the trappings but was quite unhappy.
When we have some power it is not only intoxicating but it gives us an illusion that anything is possible and this feeling makes us feel very expansive. In the process of expansion, we lose that sense of self conscious and confined identity that is called the ego and temporarily forget the trials and tribulations that is our reality of course.
Man has been cunning in that he has devised many different ways to have power and attract women, people and attention. He has somehow organised it that way so that he has many dimensions of attracting people, and he has left the woman only her body to attract attention. He can use prestige, career, money, connections, seniority, influence, great wealth and such basic elements to exert whatever power he likes.
It is obvious then that with only this slant left young girls and older women alike will still be so bodily orientated that it must be hard to begin to explore other avenues of their own.; this is a generalisation of course but a strong tendency over millennia.
He has reduced woman, generally speaking to a sex object or if you want to sound more poetic, an object of worship but still an object. It is not simply coincidental that the spread of pornography has been a worldwide phenomenon and that women everywhere from Russia to Australia use their bodies to get what they cannot get otherwise.
You know I saw the most amazing thing on TV last night which prompted this blog. The Reverend Ted Nile, a religious political fanatic over 70 years of age has been accused of watching pornography on the government's computers. Of course he denies it and says his office was doing it for research reasons. He probably also thinks he was looking at the porno websites and the girls' bodies for research whilst his unconscious was finally releasing its hold on his uptight, puritanical hypocrisy.
Over the ages men have made woman just vegetables with little power of their own and it was no wonder that there was an uprising and rightly so. It must surely be time when women can also have their own power, but hopefully this power will be the power of a rose.
When we have some power it is not only intoxicating but it gives us an illusion that anything is possible and this feeling makes us feel very expansive. In the process of expansion, we lose that sense of self conscious and confined identity that is called the ego and temporarily forget the trials and tribulations that is our reality of course.
Man has been cunning in that he has devised many different ways to have power and attract women, people and attention. He has somehow organised it that way so that he has many dimensions of attracting people, and he has left the woman only her body to attract attention. He can use prestige, career, money, connections, seniority, influence, great wealth and such basic elements to exert whatever power he likes.
It is obvious then that with only this slant left young girls and older women alike will still be so bodily orientated that it must be hard to begin to explore other avenues of their own.; this is a generalisation of course but a strong tendency over millennia.
He has reduced woman, generally speaking to a sex object or if you want to sound more poetic, an object of worship but still an object. It is not simply coincidental that the spread of pornography has been a worldwide phenomenon and that women everywhere from Russia to Australia use their bodies to get what they cannot get otherwise.
You know I saw the most amazing thing on TV last night which prompted this blog. The Reverend Ted Nile, a religious political fanatic over 70 years of age has been accused of watching pornography on the government's computers. Of course he denies it and says his office was doing it for research reasons. He probably also thinks he was looking at the porno websites and the girls' bodies for research whilst his unconscious was finally releasing its hold on his uptight, puritanical hypocrisy.
Over the ages men have made woman just vegetables with little power of their own and it was no wonder that there was an uprising and rightly so. It must surely be time when women can also have their own power, but hopefully this power will be the power of a rose.
Social scientists have been studying the relationship between money and happiness for decades but the truth is money will not make you happier. With this said, a certain amount of money is needed as a stepping stone towards happiness and security. Without money you can't afford the basic necessities in life and that makes it difficult to be happy. This is where the tie between money and happiness comes in.
We have a human desire to always want more. We always want a better job, a bigger raise, a bigger house, a better car etc..and when we get that, we overestimate the pleasure that these items bring us. We as people always adapt to our circumstances. The more our income grows, the more our needs grow. That home that was once enormous may not seem as enormous as it once did.
Our basic needs in life such as food, clothing and shelter doesn't need to be so stressful. We can take public transportation, buy items on sale, and budget carefully to give ourselves a little extra money to make life more pleasant. Saving for that family vacation, going out to a nice dinner with family and friends can definitely enhance your life but constantly struggling to achieve to have what others have can only lead to unhappiness.
Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting an increase in income and looking for ways to make more money, we should actually be striving for that but we can't let the desire for more material items overcome and consume us. When all we focus on is what we don't have and what others have, money becomes the source of our unhappiness.
What will buy us happiness is the amount of time you take to be grateful for what you do have and all your accomplishments. Always keep in mind what the good things in life are such as health, family and friends and this will keep you grounded.
Remember that the only problems money can solve are money problems. It's great to have money and all the things that money can buy but it's better to realize that you don't want to lose the quality in life that money can't buy.
We have a human desire to always want more. We always want a better job, a bigger raise, a bigger house, a better car etc..and when we get that, we overestimate the pleasure that these items bring us. We as people always adapt to our circumstances. The more our income grows, the more our needs grow. That home that was once enormous may not seem as enormous as it once did.
Our basic needs in life such as food, clothing and shelter doesn't need to be so stressful. We can take public transportation, buy items on sale, and budget carefully to give ourselves a little extra money to make life more pleasant. Saving for that family vacation, going out to a nice dinner with family and friends can definitely enhance your life but constantly struggling to achieve to have what others have can only lead to unhappiness.
Of course there is nothing wrong with wanting an increase in income and looking for ways to make more money, we should actually be striving for that but we can't let the desire for more material items overcome and consume us. When all we focus on is what we don't have and what others have, money becomes the source of our unhappiness.
What will buy us happiness is the amount of time you take to be grateful for what you do have and all your accomplishments. Always keep in mind what the good things in life are such as health, family and friends and this will keep you grounded.
Remember that the only problems money can solve are money problems. It's great to have money and all the things that money can buy but it's better to realize that you don't want to lose the quality in life that money can't buy.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Many people take an unpleasant situation and let it rule the way they look at life. The company downsizes and you were one that was cut. Your spouse cheats and leaves you. Someone you thought to be a dear friend turns out to be not such a true friend. When these things happen many spend their time blaming the other person for having done wrong to them.
"If my boss hadn't fired me I wouldn't have lost my house." "If my friend hadn't turned out to be such a terrible person I wouldn't be so depressed." If my spouse hadn't cheated I would not be so lonely."
Instead of looking at the situation as a turning point in their lives, people tend to use it as a pity party on themselves. I will not belittle the pain. The pain you feel is real and it is expected. But the point is that you can decide to rise above the situation.
Instead of deciding to focus on what went wrong and the loss, decide to focus on where the road ahead will lead you. Maybe you've lost your job and finances were tight to begin with and you don't know which direction to turn. Was that your dream job? Was that your dream boss? Is there something that you've always wanted to do with your life, but were too busy working that job to go after your dreams?
Maybe there's a person that needed your attention that you would have never noticed if that friend hadn't let you down. And maybe that friend didn't intend to hurt you. There are times in people's lives where they see no other way. They may be suffering on the inside and you don't know it.
People don't always do things to hurt us, as we often think. There are times when people need to do things to help themselves, but never intend or want to hurt someone else. Step back and take a look at the situation. You may never figure it out, but at least give them the benefit of the doubt that there is something that maybe you don't even know that they are suffering from themselves.
Divorce is a difficult situation all its own. You can spend your life trying to figure out what went wrong or why you were hurt or you can decide to get back up and live again. You can decide to spend your time blaming the other person for a bad marriage or you can decide to rise above it and find a new direction in life.
Maybe there is a dream career you didn't go after because you had no need to work. Maybe there's a person out there that you've never met that's been waiting on you their whole life and everything will line up and you'll find you've never been so happy.
The point is if we spend too much time living in the past and blaming the situations that have 'done us wrong,' we may miss the future we secretly long for. Close the doors to the past and walk forward. Open your eyes and your heart to what life has to hold for you today.
You've been given a chance to open yourself up to what life has to offer you. Decide to forgive, to release yourself from the pain and to move forward in life. Go after the life you deserve, the life that's waiting for you to live it.
"If my boss hadn't fired me I wouldn't have lost my house." "If my friend hadn't turned out to be such a terrible person I wouldn't be so depressed." If my spouse hadn't cheated I would not be so lonely."
Instead of looking at the situation as a turning point in their lives, people tend to use it as a pity party on themselves. I will not belittle the pain. The pain you feel is real and it is expected. But the point is that you can decide to rise above the situation.
Instead of deciding to focus on what went wrong and the loss, decide to focus on where the road ahead will lead you. Maybe you've lost your job and finances were tight to begin with and you don't know which direction to turn. Was that your dream job? Was that your dream boss? Is there something that you've always wanted to do with your life, but were too busy working that job to go after your dreams?
Maybe there's a person that needed your attention that you would have never noticed if that friend hadn't let you down. And maybe that friend didn't intend to hurt you. There are times in people's lives where they see no other way. They may be suffering on the inside and you don't know it.
People don't always do things to hurt us, as we often think. There are times when people need to do things to help themselves, but never intend or want to hurt someone else. Step back and take a look at the situation. You may never figure it out, but at least give them the benefit of the doubt that there is something that maybe you don't even know that they are suffering from themselves.
Divorce is a difficult situation all its own. You can spend your life trying to figure out what went wrong or why you were hurt or you can decide to get back up and live again. You can decide to spend your time blaming the other person for a bad marriage or you can decide to rise above it and find a new direction in life.
Maybe there is a dream career you didn't go after because you had no need to work. Maybe there's a person out there that you've never met that's been waiting on you their whole life and everything will line up and you'll find you've never been so happy.
The point is if we spend too much time living in the past and blaming the situations that have 'done us wrong,' we may miss the future we secretly long for. Close the doors to the past and walk forward. Open your eyes and your heart to what life has to hold for you today.
You've been given a chance to open yourself up to what life has to offer you. Decide to forgive, to release yourself from the pain and to move forward in life. Go after the life you deserve, the life that's waiting for you to live it.
The real secret is that whether you feel sad, broke, lonely, overweight, depressed, overwhelmed or hopeless, you have the power within yourself to change the way you look at life and ultimately the power to change your life.
Oftentimes we spend too much time thinking about the negative parts of our life. But what we don't realize is that by keeping ourselves in that state of mind we are sabotaging our happiness, our future, our daily lives.
Another important point is that no one other person can make us happy. Although being around or with someone may make you feel happy, they don't create the happiness in your heart. They don't decide whether you feel like being happy or whether you feel like being upset or depressed.
The truth is that by changing the way you think about things you change your life.
You might be behind on your bills and sit around worrying about it or you can take a good hard look around at what you have to be thankful for. The bills haven't gone away, you've just decided to change your state of mind to focus on the good in life.
You might be struggling to lose weight and sit around looking in the mirror complaining about the way you look. Or you can take a look deep within yourself and think about all the things you're good at and all the things you have to offer. The weight is still there, but instead of focusing on a few pounds, that don't make you who you are, you choose to focus on the great person that you are and the many things you have to offer others.
You might have lost your job and be sitting around blaming your boss for firing you. Or you can think about what you want your life to look like from this point forward. Maybe there's a career change in your future. Maybe you've had a dream of working with young children or people with disabilities or becoming the manager or a retail store. This job loss is your opportunity to take a hold of your life and go after your dreams.
Once you take a look around you'll see that it's up to you to decide to change your state of mind. You can decide that you want to feel hurt, broke, overweight or depressed. Or you can decide that you want to feel alive, blessed, beautiful and happy. The choice is yours!
Simply by changing the way you think about any given situation you change your life. Happiness is a decision that you make. It comes from within you. It is up to you and only you to make that decision and to live life to the fullest.
Make a choice today to be happy. Look around you and discover what you truly have that you are blessed with. Chances are you have a lot to be thankful for. Allow the happiness to flow into your body and to attract more happiness back to you.
Oftentimes we spend too much time thinking about the negative parts of our life. But what we don't realize is that by keeping ourselves in that state of mind we are sabotaging our happiness, our future, our daily lives.
Another important point is that no one other person can make us happy. Although being around or with someone may make you feel happy, they don't create the happiness in your heart. They don't decide whether you feel like being happy or whether you feel like being upset or depressed.
The truth is that by changing the way you think about things you change your life.
You might be behind on your bills and sit around worrying about it or you can take a good hard look around at what you have to be thankful for. The bills haven't gone away, you've just decided to change your state of mind to focus on the good in life.
You might be struggling to lose weight and sit around looking in the mirror complaining about the way you look. Or you can take a look deep within yourself and think about all the things you're good at and all the things you have to offer. The weight is still there, but instead of focusing on a few pounds, that don't make you who you are, you choose to focus on the great person that you are and the many things you have to offer others.
You might have lost your job and be sitting around blaming your boss for firing you. Or you can think about what you want your life to look like from this point forward. Maybe there's a career change in your future. Maybe you've had a dream of working with young children or people with disabilities or becoming the manager or a retail store. This job loss is your opportunity to take a hold of your life and go after your dreams.
Once you take a look around you'll see that it's up to you to decide to change your state of mind. You can decide that you want to feel hurt, broke, overweight or depressed. Or you can decide that you want to feel alive, blessed, beautiful and happy. The choice is yours!
Simply by changing the way you think about any given situation you change your life. Happiness is a decision that you make. It comes from within you. It is up to you and only you to make that decision and to live life to the fullest.
Make a choice today to be happy. Look around you and discover what you truly have that you are blessed with. Chances are you have a lot to be thankful for. Allow the happiness to flow into your body and to attract more happiness back to you.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Writing a novel is not for sissies. Sure, anyone can tell a story, but can you do it without putting your reader to sleep? Storytelling dates back to the dawn of humankind. When you ask someone what they did today, you're looking for a story, not a statistical analysis of the day's activities. Who did you meet? What happened at work? Why do you care? Characters, plot, motivation - all reasons we like a good story. Don't forget this when you're writing your book.
So far I've completed one novel and written half of another, and another, and another. It's much easier to begin than to finish.
Here's what I've learned from finishing the novel that is now under contract with an agent:
1. Choose a topic you're passionate about. You'll be spending weeks, months, years at the task. If you're not passionate about your story you may lose interest before you finish - and when you think you're done, you won't be.
2. Write quickly. It won't be perfect, so just don't worry about that. When I finished my first manuscript, I thought it was perfect. I'm a member of Mensa after all! Wrong! Step #3 is as important as any other.
3. Put your manuscript away and don't look at it. Take a break for a month or two. Reward yourself with a vacation or something else fun. You won't be able to look at your manuscript objectively until you've been away from it for at least several weeks. Get it out of your head so you can approach it fresh when it's time for step #4.
4. Have fun with editing. Laugh at your mistakes. Don't get too attached to specific words or phrases. There's a million ways to tell the same story, and odds are, you haven't found the best one on the first go-around. Eliminate anything that interferes with the flow. Read it out loud and see how you like the sound. Be ruthless with adverbs and flowery language. Simplicity is always best.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Going over your work once will result in dramatic improvement. Doing it twice is the icing on the cake. Even twice may not be enough. You learn as you go, after all, and by the time you get to the end you may have a different opinion of the beginning. But don't edit your book to death. Unless it's a classic that will stand the test of time, when you're sick of editing, move on. Your next novel may be better yet.
That's it. Nothing magical. Just perseverance and elimination of ego. If you get this far, finding an agent and publisher should be a piece of cake.
So far I've completed one novel and written half of another, and another, and another. It's much easier to begin than to finish.
Here's what I've learned from finishing the novel that is now under contract with an agent:
1. Choose a topic you're passionate about. You'll be spending weeks, months, years at the task. If you're not passionate about your story you may lose interest before you finish - and when you think you're done, you won't be.
2. Write quickly. It won't be perfect, so just don't worry about that. When I finished my first manuscript, I thought it was perfect. I'm a member of Mensa after all! Wrong! Step #3 is as important as any other.
3. Put your manuscript away and don't look at it. Take a break for a month or two. Reward yourself with a vacation or something else fun. You won't be able to look at your manuscript objectively until you've been away from it for at least several weeks. Get it out of your head so you can approach it fresh when it's time for step #4.
4. Have fun with editing. Laugh at your mistakes. Don't get too attached to specific words or phrases. There's a million ways to tell the same story, and odds are, you haven't found the best one on the first go-around. Eliminate anything that interferes with the flow. Read it out loud and see how you like the sound. Be ruthless with adverbs and flowery language. Simplicity is always best.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Going over your work once will result in dramatic improvement. Doing it twice is the icing on the cake. Even twice may not be enough. You learn as you go, after all, and by the time you get to the end you may have a different opinion of the beginning. But don't edit your book to death. Unless it's a classic that will stand the test of time, when you're sick of editing, move on. Your next novel may be better yet.
That's it. Nothing magical. Just perseverance and elimination of ego. If you get this far, finding an agent and publisher should be a piece of cake.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Successful entrepreneurs know that in the process of building a business, leadership skills is not an option, it is a must. As an entrepreneur, developing your leadership skills is all about developing your mindset and the way you handle people or situations.
I want to share with you few tips that can help you improve your leadership skills but before i do, let me tell you why leadership skill is a necessity.
As an entrepreneur, i see myself as the pilot of a plane. The crew and passengers represent my employees, customers and investors. All of them are relying on me to pilot them to the promise land. If you can see the picture i am trying to paint, then you will realize the importance of developing not only your leadership skills but your business skills in general.
Now how do you develop leadership skills?
The first thing you need to work on to develop the skills is your attitude towards failure. How you react in the face of failure will determine how strong your leadership skills will be.
Successful entrepreneurs don't accept the word called "failure." They don't see failure; they only see an opportunity to learn something new from their mistakes. For me, i don't fail. I make mistakes and experience few setbacks but i don't see myself as a failure. One of my mentors, Henry Ford says it all. "Failure is just a resting place. It is just an opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
So if you are going to be a great leader in business, you must change your perception and mindset towards failure. Don't run and hide when you make a mistake. Don't blame others, face your mistakes squarely and learn something. Remember, mistakes are great learning tools.
The second key to developing your leadership skills is self control. In the word of business and leadership, self control is omnipotent. If you lack self control, forget about leadership and forget about being in business. How can you control your employees, customers and investors when you can't control yourself?
Nobody is going to follow a leader who has no control over himself, so take note.
The third key to look at is your personal standard. Successful entrepreneurial leaders are known to have high self imposed personal standard. To this set of entrepreneurs, their integrity is worth more than the money. So if you want to lead in business, you must be firm. You must never compromise your standard.
In your service to customers, you must not compromise quality in the name of increasing profit. Quality will surely payback in the form of customer's loyalty.
Next on the line is your appearance. We can't talk about developing leadership skills without including appearance or outlook. If you are going to be a leader that employees and investors will follow, then your outlook should speak leadership. Your charisma should be bold and appealing so that when you talk, people will listen.
Even in the face of criticism, your facial appearance should display a high level of confidence. Keep your fears to yourself and talk positive.
The fifth key to developing your leadership skills is to develop your communication skill. Great leaders are great communicators. To be a great leader in business, you must learn how to effectively communicate with your employees, customers and investors. In fact, communication skill is so essential that its importance can never be over emphasized. Now let me ask:
How can you raise capital to start a business if you cannot communicate or sell your ideas to investors?
How can you convince a customer that your product is of highest quality when you cannot communicate?
How can you inspire your employees to be the best and achieve greatness when you cannot communicate?
I believe with these questions, you will come to realize that communication is very vital in world of leadership and business in general.
In conclusion, it is important you know that businesses and investors are looking for strong leaders with business skills to pilot their business and grow their money respectively. Before i rest my pen, i will leave you with this word of wisdom.
"Leaders don't do great things. They inspire others to do great things and influence people to make the right decisions."
I want to share with you few tips that can help you improve your leadership skills but before i do, let me tell you why leadership skill is a necessity.
As an entrepreneur, i see myself as the pilot of a plane. The crew and passengers represent my employees, customers and investors. All of them are relying on me to pilot them to the promise land. If you can see the picture i am trying to paint, then you will realize the importance of developing not only your leadership skills but your business skills in general.
Now how do you develop leadership skills?
The first thing you need to work on to develop the skills is your attitude towards failure. How you react in the face of failure will determine how strong your leadership skills will be.
Successful entrepreneurs don't accept the word called "failure." They don't see failure; they only see an opportunity to learn something new from their mistakes. For me, i don't fail. I make mistakes and experience few setbacks but i don't see myself as a failure. One of my mentors, Henry Ford says it all. "Failure is just a resting place. It is just an opportunity to begin again more intelligently"
So if you are going to be a great leader in business, you must change your perception and mindset towards failure. Don't run and hide when you make a mistake. Don't blame others, face your mistakes squarely and learn something. Remember, mistakes are great learning tools.
The second key to developing your leadership skills is self control. In the word of business and leadership, self control is omnipotent. If you lack self control, forget about leadership and forget about being in business. How can you control your employees, customers and investors when you can't control yourself?
Nobody is going to follow a leader who has no control over himself, so take note.
The third key to look at is your personal standard. Successful entrepreneurial leaders are known to have high self imposed personal standard. To this set of entrepreneurs, their integrity is worth more than the money. So if you want to lead in business, you must be firm. You must never compromise your standard.
In your service to customers, you must not compromise quality in the name of increasing profit. Quality will surely payback in the form of customer's loyalty.
Next on the line is your appearance. We can't talk about developing leadership skills without including appearance or outlook. If you are going to be a leader that employees and investors will follow, then your outlook should speak leadership. Your charisma should be bold and appealing so that when you talk, people will listen.
Even in the face of criticism, your facial appearance should display a high level of confidence. Keep your fears to yourself and talk positive.
The fifth key to developing your leadership skills is to develop your communication skill. Great leaders are great communicators. To be a great leader in business, you must learn how to effectively communicate with your employees, customers and investors. In fact, communication skill is so essential that its importance can never be over emphasized. Now let me ask:
How can you raise capital to start a business if you cannot communicate or sell your ideas to investors?
How can you convince a customer that your product is of highest quality when you cannot communicate?
How can you inspire your employees to be the best and achieve greatness when you cannot communicate?
I believe with these questions, you will come to realize that communication is very vital in world of leadership and business in general.
In conclusion, it is important you know that businesses and investors are looking for strong leaders with business skills to pilot their business and grow their money respectively. Before i rest my pen, i will leave you with this word of wisdom.
"Leaders don't do great things. They inspire others to do great things and influence people to make the right decisions."
"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind." Albert Einstein.
"... Suffice to say that we've reached a point where science and technology have advanced at such an exponential rate for so long, it may be a way beyond our ability to regulate and control them"....Blair Brown.
Evolution as we perceive it is part of the greater truth only as a result of spiritual growth. Evolution is meaningfully as life itself, "The foundation of the Universe is material but the essence of life is spirit". Our bodies are products of million of incremental changes, from a single cell to a multi-cellular organisms, yet we are still on the journey of evolving. All living species struggle and long for perfection, but time can always be against us.
Many hands have interfered on our evolutionary path causing some errors and confusion on our spiritual growth. This entails why there are so many unanswered mysteries. One of the main purpose of evolution is to refine our mind circuitry and thoughts pattern, sometimes we find out mind being scattered all over and everywhere which leads us unsuccessfully with our plans. There are different technological inventions that helps us to better ourselves through meditations, and the way we perceive and recognize the reality. Nothing can resist the power of change we should become change itself and cultivate the potential of technological achievement.
The key to spiritual enlightenment is conscious living, when you live consciously you will see what each moment is as it pass by and be able to locate the error. Since our evolutionary path was altered, we must use technology as a tool to advance in our spiritual growth. Everything has a circle of life even human habits are seasonal. One must become aware of themselves. take note of your whole life "pattern", observe how you behave daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and even yearly, you can start by looking at your bank statements and how you spend money, for example where do you spend money mostly, what kind of purchases you mostly make in summer, how much money do you spend on charity etc. see how much attention you have on your family (the more money on family activities more attention)
On daily basis: You can look on your phone, internet, television etc. try to see who you usually call or calls you the most on your call log, on the Internet history try to see what websites do you usually visit often and the same on TV Facebook and twitter is good to always go back and check on your status updates.
Conclusion: After doing self-analysis what do you really gain or get out of all these things that you do every day? Where do you think you might be in next five years doing the same thing over and over? Twitter and Facebook updates what do they represent about you.
Dealing with self development, mind, spirit and body, Once you learn to change what is inside then the physical body reflects.
"... Suffice to say that we've reached a point where science and technology have advanced at such an exponential rate for so long, it may be a way beyond our ability to regulate and control them"....Blair Brown.
Evolution as we perceive it is part of the greater truth only as a result of spiritual growth. Evolution is meaningfully as life itself, "The foundation of the Universe is material but the essence of life is spirit". Our bodies are products of million of incremental changes, from a single cell to a multi-cellular organisms, yet we are still on the journey of evolving. All living species struggle and long for perfection, but time can always be against us.
Many hands have interfered on our evolutionary path causing some errors and confusion on our spiritual growth. This entails why there are so many unanswered mysteries. One of the main purpose of evolution is to refine our mind circuitry and thoughts pattern, sometimes we find out mind being scattered all over and everywhere which leads us unsuccessfully with our plans. There are different technological inventions that helps us to better ourselves through meditations, and the way we perceive and recognize the reality. Nothing can resist the power of change we should become change itself and cultivate the potential of technological achievement.
The key to spiritual enlightenment is conscious living, when you live consciously you will see what each moment is as it pass by and be able to locate the error. Since our evolutionary path was altered, we must use technology as a tool to advance in our spiritual growth. Everything has a circle of life even human habits are seasonal. One must become aware of themselves. take note of your whole life "pattern", observe how you behave daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal and even yearly, you can start by looking at your bank statements and how you spend money, for example where do you spend money mostly, what kind of purchases you mostly make in summer, how much money do you spend on charity etc. see how much attention you have on your family (the more money on family activities more attention)
On daily basis: You can look on your phone, internet, television etc. try to see who you usually call or calls you the most on your call log, on the Internet history try to see what websites do you usually visit often and the same on TV Facebook and twitter is good to always go back and check on your status updates.
Conclusion: After doing self-analysis what do you really gain or get out of all these things that you do every day? Where do you think you might be in next five years doing the same thing over and over? Twitter and Facebook updates what do they represent about you.
Dealing with self development, mind, spirit and body, Once you learn to change what is inside then the physical body reflects.
Monday, June 28, 2010
The Difference Between a Debt Management Program and Personal Relief Plan
A debt management program focuses on a proper management of your financial liabilities and continuation of your ability to repay your debts on time. On the other hand, a personal relief plan focuses on elimination of your debts so that you enjoy relief from your financial problems.
Management of debt is advisable when you are beginning to face money problems. Relief options are best utilize when you know that you are facing money problems and need to escape it as quickly as possible.
If you do not prepare a debt management plan on time and follow it properly, you will end up facing personal money problems. The only option available is to go in for a personal relief plan.
Debt consolidation, conversion of unsecured debt into secured debt, interest holidays, alteration of the terms and conditions of repayment-all these options fall under the ambit of debt management programs. All this will help you plan your finances better and repay your debts by extracting maximum value out of the income you earn.
On the other hand, you can go in for a personal relief plan like debt settlement which will help you reduce your debts by 50%-70%. Once the debt amount comes down, your monthly payment amount will be reduced and you will have extra cash in your hand.
Further, the personal relief plan aims for complete reduction of all your unsecured debt down to zero with in the specified time frame. This is not the purpose or goal of a debt management program. Rather, it tries to place you in a situation where you can continue using debts to boost your finances without losing control.
The difference between debt management and personal relief may seem technical and theoretical. Yet, it is very important because you may end up going in for a personal relief plan when all you need is a debt management plan. In such a scenario, your financial position will take a huge hit and you will find it difficult to overcome your problems.
It is impossible to rely on the advice of any specific service provider unless you are confident of getting impartial advice. Since you always face the risk of getting biased advice, you should check out independent sources of advice like the internet and also make use of debt relief networks to find the right service provider. All this will help you analyze your financial condition and choose the right remedy.
If you are over $10k in unsecured debt it would be financially prudent for you to consider a debt settlement. There are organizations that exist called "Free Debt Relief Networks" that are a great place to start in locating legitimate debt settlement companies in your region. They provide free debt help and know where to locate the top performing debt settlement firms.
Management of debt is advisable when you are beginning to face money problems. Relief options are best utilize when you know that you are facing money problems and need to escape it as quickly as possible.
If you do not prepare a debt management plan on time and follow it properly, you will end up facing personal money problems. The only option available is to go in for a personal relief plan.
Debt consolidation, conversion of unsecured debt into secured debt, interest holidays, alteration of the terms and conditions of repayment-all these options fall under the ambit of debt management programs. All this will help you plan your finances better and repay your debts by extracting maximum value out of the income you earn.
On the other hand, you can go in for a personal relief plan like debt settlement which will help you reduce your debts by 50%-70%. Once the debt amount comes down, your monthly payment amount will be reduced and you will have extra cash in your hand.
Further, the personal relief plan aims for complete reduction of all your unsecured debt down to zero with in the specified time frame. This is not the purpose or goal of a debt management program. Rather, it tries to place you in a situation where you can continue using debts to boost your finances without losing control.
The difference between debt management and personal relief may seem technical and theoretical. Yet, it is very important because you may end up going in for a personal relief plan when all you need is a debt management plan. In such a scenario, your financial position will take a huge hit and you will find it difficult to overcome your problems.
It is impossible to rely on the advice of any specific service provider unless you are confident of getting impartial advice. Since you always face the risk of getting biased advice, you should check out independent sources of advice like the internet and also make use of debt relief networks to find the right service provider. All this will help you analyze your financial condition and choose the right remedy.
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