Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Power is such an aphrodisiac that at some stage of our lives we are attracted to it. When I became a lawyer it was a recipe to print money. Of course after awhile I saw that it also left me empty inside as I had all the trappings but was quite unhappy.

When we have some power it is not only intoxicating but it gives us an illusion that anything is possible and this feeling makes us feel very expansive. In the process of expansion, we lose that sense of self conscious and confined identity that is called the ego and temporarily forget the trials and tribulations that is our reality of course.

Man has been cunning in that he has devised many different ways to have power and attract women, people and attention. He has somehow organised it that way so that he has many dimensions of attracting people, and he has left the woman only her body to attract attention. He can use prestige, career, money, connections, seniority, influence, great wealth and such basic elements to exert whatever power he likes.

It is obvious then that with only this slant left young girls and older women alike will still be so bodily orientated that it must be hard to begin to explore other avenues of their own.; this is a generalisation of course but a strong tendency over millennia.

He has reduced woman, generally speaking to a sex object or if you want to sound more poetic, an object of worship but still an object. It is not simply coincidental that the spread of pornography has been a worldwide phenomenon and that women everywhere from Russia to Australia use their bodies to get what they cannot get otherwise.

You know I saw the most amazing thing on TV last night which prompted this blog. The Reverend Ted Nile, a religious political fanatic over 70 years of age has been accused of watching pornography on the government's computers. Of course he denies it and says his office was doing it for research reasons. He probably also thinks he was looking at the porno websites and the girls' bodies for research whilst his unconscious was finally releasing its hold on his uptight, puritanical hypocrisy.

Over the ages men have made woman just vegetables with little power of their own and it was no wonder that there was an uprising and rightly so. It must surely be time when women can also have their own power, but hopefully this power will be the power of a rose.

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