Thursday, April 15, 2010


Getting over a break-up, a divorce or unrequited love can be very difficult and it's definitely painful, especially if you are prone to deep feelings and have somewhat a tendency to attach to someone. There is nothing wrong with that, in fact it means you are probably a loyal, deep, sensitive person and, when you find the right partner, these traits will be invaluable.
However, you need to learn that getting over painful love is essential to be a healthy, balanced, happy individual. You need to accept that painful love is not real love but it's rather an obsession. You cannot love someone in a romantic sense when they do not love you. It's an obsession.
The first step in order to get over him or her is
1. Acceptance. You need to accept that it's over. If it's unrequited love, you need to accept that this person is not going to love you. If they have not fallen in love with you already, they will not fall in love with you later on. They are not the right person for you. They are not for you. Accept it. Once you have accepted it, you will feel better, actually, and not worse. Pain comes with the longing, with the clinging on to unrealistic hopes. Once you accept it's not going to happen, you will feel a sudden release, an unburdening, so to speak.
2. Learn to love yourself. Remember that if you start believing in yourself and in the fact that you deserve love, real love, you will automatically learn to move on really quickly when someone does not love you anymore (or when someone does not reciprocate your feelings at all).
3. Then, focus on the future. You need to focus on your future love life; it's as if you were starting to visualize YOUR FUTURE LOVER. It's very effective and it wipes out pain by replacing it with hope and a strategy.


So you watched or read The Secret and you believed it was simple to manifest the life of your dreams? As one Native American elder once said, "It's simple, but it's not easy." This is true of attempting to control the Law of Attraction, but I can show you how to make it easy.
For Control of the Law of Attraction, You Must Understand it
The Law of Attraction is a law of energy, not a law of matter. Laws of matter are easy to understand and to test. You gain a little weight and can't run as fast as you formerly could. Does this surprise you? No. Of course not. We intuitively understand that since Mass * Acceleration = Force, then Force/Mass = Acceleration. Your muscle mass is the same (force) but your weight increased (mass) so your acceleration is going to be less. This will also be true of your car if you load it down for a vacation.
Energy is a little different. For example, electricity diminishes over time and distance. This is why we need booster stations if we're sending it far from the source. And, if you simply change the configuration of an energy system you can increase or decrease the available power. Wrapping a coil around a power source a specific number of times changes the power to magnetic. Then, if you increase or decrease the number of wraps, you increase or decrease the power available.
I don't understand this. It is not intuitively obvious to me even though I have studied it. Perhaps it is to an electrician or physicist. I just offer it as an example of how laws of energy are not as obvious as laws of matter.
The exact formula for the Law of Attraction is:
(Belief + Vision)Passion = Manifestation
Belief has to be there. Vision has to be there. But passion is the wrapping of the coils. This is the booster station. It is passion that empowers your manifestation. Without passion, you don't have anything but a day dream. Belief fades fast if none of your visions are manifesting.
How Do We Increase the Passion?
This is why many coaches suggest that you write a list of 100 or more advantages to whatever goal you set for yourself. This is why entrepreneurial coaches make you sit down and decide on "your WHY". Without a passionate motivation, any new program you start will soon fade away in importance.
It is necessary to be passionate when you seek to control the Law of Attraction. When the coach tells you that "wanting" will leave you wanting it is not because "wanting" is the wrong word, but "wanting" is the wrong emotion.
When a mother sees her child trapped under a car and runs over and lifts it up so that her child can be pulled free, she didn't "want" to lift the car. She ran over and did it. This action had belief, vision and the POWER of passion. Given that much power, every one of us is capable of lifting a car or of achieving the life of our dreams.
So, the question is how do we increase our passion to that level? What did the mother have? She had a soul level commitment to saving her child.
To have this level of commitment and passion, you will need to discover why you chose to incarnate in time/space. Once you are on your path seeking your soul's desire, you will have passion to spare. As long as you are working to "make a living" you will struggle to find the passion to empower your manifesting. This will allow you to control the Law of Attraction for the life of your dreams.


Writing online has always been seen as a great way to make money. Even though this is the case, writing poetry is something that no one would have thought of. Majority of the people that make money online through writing do it through article writing. This is known as a free lancer job that many companies are willing to pay for. What people don't realize is that there is a large market for poetry as well that we tend to over look. One of the most common markets that require poetry is nearly used be all of us on a regular basis. The market that we are referring to is greeting cards. How many times have you sent a greeting card to someone that has a love, funny or sad poem in it?
It is true to say that writing poetry may not become your full-time job. It is fair to say however, that one can still generate a second income by doing poetry writing as a part-time job. The key to being successful in this field is all to do with using the right approach. As long as you know what to do and how to do it, you are to be successful in this particular field of making money. This is why we are going to take a closer look at certain things that you should do and shouldn't do when looking to make money through poetry writing.
The first and most important thing to remember is to not be too over confident nor second guess your talent. Convince yourself that you have the ability to be able to write poetry as a profession even if it is part-time. Start off by visiting a local greeting card store. Look for those cards that have poetry that is similar to what you write. Make a note of the manufacture and try contacting them directly. It is important to realize that you may not get accepted the first few times that you try. Even though this may be the case, it is important that you keep on trying. Until and unless you are not persistent in trying to achieve what you are after, you will not be able to do so.
Another approach would be to contact these online greeting card websites. There will be some websites that do not offer their poetry writing to free lancers, however there are those that do as well. For those that do, it is very important that you take out the time to read the terms and agreement that they are offering before you take any steps forward. This will give you an idea of what they are looking for and information regarding your pay and whether or not you can publish your poetry anywhere else.
The most important thing that you have to remember, when it comes to poetry writing, is to proof read and double check your work. The last thing you want is submitting in work that has spelling or grammatical errors.


If you're planning to write a book, here's a technique tip. Just write. It may seem simple, but it's not. It can be a real battle to just sit there and let the words flow without thinking. Of course, what you might think about may vary, but it's never good.
For example, you might be a typo freak. If you start typing a thought, you might suddenly look up and see that you typed "teh" when you meant "the" or some such small thing. Instinct might be to back all the way up to that point and correct it. You need to remember two things, though.
The first thing to remember is that your program should have a spell checker for that. You can always run the spell checker when you're done. So, you're in no danger of forgetting to fix the problem or losing sight of it later on down the road.
The other thing to remember is that your thought is more important than one letter of one word. If you back up, you'll lose time and get distracted. You may forget what you were planning to say and, unfortunately, things aren't usually as good when they're written the second time around.
So, again, if you want to write a book, just write. Remember that the editing process has to come later. For now, just let your fingers fly and see what comes up. You might be pleasantly surprised by the result of all of your hard work later on.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

how to make life easier with both software and hardware installation

Now that we have so much technology that makes our lives easier, we have gotten much more impatient- we want things to be ready to use and at our fingertips the moment we need them.
However, it will always take some time to set up new software, like computer applications and games, and hardware components, like external hard drives and scanners. These types of appliances certainly make business and personal life more efficient (and fun!) and manufacturers of these types of products are also continuously trying to make the setup process as easy as possible.
This can be done in a variety of ways. Sometimes many software programs and hardware components have easy-to-follow on-screen instructions that guide the user from one screen to another in order to get their items working properly. In other cases (mostly for hardware components and appliances), the new item will come with understandable printed instructions that often have pictures or simple steps to follow.
This simplified process makes the stress of adding new technology to your home or computer much easier. Consumers and businesses can now buy almost any piece of technology they want and don't have to worry about being knowledgeable enough to get it up and running properly. This ensures that businesspeople and home users alike feel confident in their technological competence, thus causing them to use their software and hardware more and even purchases more items they hadn't thought about buying before.
When a company makes things easy for the consumer, they are much more likely to purchase again from that company. This is true in almost any setting, from cars to computers. In addition, purchasers of easy-to-use products also are more likely to recommend them to their friends, family, and co-workers.