Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Social skills are something we learn by seeing how others do this. There is one type of social skills for social networks such as Facebook, but there are also other skills to be developed when you're hosting a dinner for friends or heading over to your first job interview. Let's take some of these skills grouped in each their category, and let's follow up at the end of this article
  • Social skills on the internet
  • Social skills when hosting a dinner
  • Social skills when going to a job interview
Social skills on the internet
Social skills on the internet involve sharing information with others. When you have specific knowledge in a field of interest you can build trust by sharing what you know with others in forums and in mailing lists. Even when someone writes an update on Facebook about being discouraged about bad weather or a broken relationship, you can offer your sympathy for their situation.
When you share little bits of yourself with others, you will begin to build trust - a highly useful thing which you could never buy anywhere. All the good will you're building by being a sociable person is what will come back as extra orders because people will - sometimes unconsciously - think of you because you have shown good talents in a related situation.
Social skills when hosting a dinner
When hosting a dinner, having extra wine - and mineral water for those who need to drive - should be part of good preparation. Make sure you have more than enough food, and be sure everything is handy and ready so you can share yourself with your friends during social events. There are obviously things that need to be done during the last minute, but preparation shows respect towards your guests, and show them you enjoy their company.
Close your laptop, and concentrate on the people around you. E-mails could stay on the server an hour longer without you losing anything. Most of us know there are different time zones anyway, and if they are too impatient to wait for you to have time to give them a reply, you need to educate your online contacts. If they complain they can look elsewhere for advice. That will establish yourself as a person that can prioritize between different assignments.
Social skills when going to a job interview
When you're entering a company for the first time, holding the door for that busy person that needs to exit the door may be exactly the test to see what type of person you are. Cellphones have made this possible, and your future boss will be far more receptive when he receives the SMS saying: "It is a courteous guy entering for job interview. He held the door and smiled."
At least you can start at a far better level than the person who overlooks these little, yet so very important, details.
In Conclusion
Be courteous in all your dealings. When you start off your day by being motivated to make at least one person happy every day, you're bound to be the happiest person yourself. Being sociable develops your attraction towards friends and colleagues, and why not give others a chance to like you?


I challenge you to start thinking about some of the major influences you have had in your life so far. As long as you have friends, family, you work or are involved in your community in some way, you will be open to the influence of others. The challenge is to analyse who or what is influencing you, and what are they creating in you?
Our beliefs or actions can be influenced in many different ways. Watching, listening, studying or experiencing the results that certain behaviours generate will affect how you see things consciously and subconsciously.
I find it interesting to think about how I have been influenced by the different events of my life. We are taking in extraordinary amounts of information every day. As long as you are talking to others, listening to others, watching television, reading newspapers, surfing the Internet, calling your friends, reading literature, experiencing life in general, you cannot escape the information that is flowing around you.
Information is interesting, as we often assume that what is said or written is true. We need the ability to distinguish between what is opinion and what is fact.
How do we filter that information, to only use the information that is going to help you achieve your goals? How do you decipher between what is useful information and what is potentially harmful information?
Ask yourself what or who are some of the influences that you have had in your life? What beliefs do you hold, or what actions have you taken as a result of these influence?
Here are the philosophies I have developed around listening to the opinion of others:
- I only wish to take the advice of those who have already achieved what I am aiming to achieve.
- Be mindful when participating in office chit-chat, networking events, dinner parties and family events: one needs an ability to distinguish between fact and opinion.
- Surround yourself with a team of professionals with the validated experience and knowledge to help you achieve your goals.
Self-development is also a powerful influence; here are my philosophies on self-development:
- Read at least one self-development book per month (ideally one per week).
- With knowledge, motivation and action, anything is possible.
- Learn by studying how other successful people have achieved their results.
It has been said that the books you read and who you associate with is a reflection of where you will be in five years time.
One challenge I set you is to minimise the amount of news you watch. Next time you watch a news broadcast, take note of the percentage of stories that are about death, destruction and despair. Be open minded about what value it is bringing to you. People have said to me, but I should know about what is going on in the world. Yes, that may be true, however my challenge is that why do I only have to know about what bad things are happening in the world? If you like the news, make sure you even out what information you are feeding your mind before you go to sleep at night. Have a motivational book by your bedside and read a few chapters or a few pages before you go to sleep.


There are many things to be considered when you want to learn how to get a girl to like you. The first thing is the demeanor of yours and the countenance. The way you present yourself is the one thing that makes a telling impression on the minds of the partner. When you are talking to a girl of your age group then you may probably know a few things that the girls are interested in.
Talk about such things which would make her interested in and also choose a topic so that she can talk about it too. Letting her do the talking has a positive side to it like you can know more about her and also you can listen to her talks and make her feel important. This is how you get girls to like you.
Never let a silence grow which can then mean all curtains for you. To break the silence you should be ready with a pre planned talk and that topic should make much sense at the given situation. The conversation starter must be of great timing. If you miss the timing then you got to cover large ground. You will fall behind the eight ball if you fail to make a good impression at the first sight. Once you are sure that the girl is ready to take the next step then it will be great for you to ask her out. Mind you that you use polite and the diction is right when you are asking her out. Do not mince your words and make her feel bad.
Once you are confident with your relationship with a particular girl then you must be the one who takes the next step. The amount of time that you have to spend for planning the topics of talk is very much elaborate and you will reap the gains at a later stage in the form of faith the girl keeps on you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Each and every person, each feeling, each thought and every thing becomes Energy, which radiates and vibrates a signal. According to the Law of Attraction, as these signs are being transferred and relayed, signals of similar frequency are attracted magnetically back to the sender. For instance, your most dominant vibration, which is molded or shaped as an outcome of one's feelings and thoughts, attracts an equal frequency from the world.
Therefore, what you may experience, is always a match in vibration to your dominant vibration. It is All About The Vibe. "Good, good, vibrations...I am picking up good vibrations"-by the Beach Boys. When the song of the Beach Boys entitled, "Good Vibrations" peaked on the pop charts in 1966, the theory or notion of vibrations and energy was still fairly new and novel to several individuals.
But 40 years later, more and more people are coming to know and understand that it is all about the vibe. And still more and more individuals are coming to perceive and understand the Law of Attraction and how our vibrations measure whether we are attracting into our lives what we do not want or what we do want.
So in order to vibrationally align with your desire, the most significant thing here is to feel good. The equation is like this: feeling good=good vibrations. Select Thoughts that Feel Make You Feel Better. Abraham Hicks said, "Reach for the thoughts that feel good so that what always comes feel good." Most persons have the habits of thinking that do not feel favorable and do not serve them well.
For instance, when you fear about the recent decline or financial crisis, or fearing sickness, or not having enough money. Once you already identified and established what your feelings (and gut) are trying to tell you, it is simply just a matter of selecting thoughts which feel good like---love, appreciation, joy, optimism, empowerment, freedom over thoughts which feel bad or filled with negativity such as unnecessary worry, fear, obsessive pride, despair, hopelessness, and powerlessness.
As you begin to consistently and gently select better and uplifting thoughts, your life will improve and enhance on each level. The tactic here is to pay attention on how you feel because your feelings provide you with feedback about what you are creating and attracting. If a thought feels bad for example, you are in the process of attracting personalities and certain situations and circumstances which you do not want.
On the other hand, if a thought feels nice, then, you are in the course of attracting of what you do want. Here is One Message For You to Take Home Regarding Vibrations: To attract what you do want and prevent attracting what you don't want, then opt for Good Vibrations instead-aim for those thoughts which feel nice! When you concentrate and focus on feeling better and imagining your life the way you desire it to be, you have to raise your vibrations so it should be parallel with your desires and start attracting what you want.


Many self-help books tell you that you can get anything you want in life, and to an extent that is true. But you have to think carefully about what it is you really want. Let's say that you and your friend free a genie from a bottle and are each granted one wish. Your wish is that everyone you meet loves you for the rest of your life. This is easy for the genie: in a puff of blue smoke, you're transformed into a little puppy, critically injured in a road accident with only minutes to live. Now everyone you meet will love you for the rest of your very short life.
Your friend wants everyone he meets to give him money. Puff of blue smoke, now he's become a slave, chained to a bridge collecting toll money for the stinking troll who guards it. He's doomed forever to receive money from everyone he meets, and nothing else. That's the way it is with genies: Be careful what you wish for. The point of this is that life, just like the genie, has a habit of delivering to you exactly what you focus on.
You tend to get what you spend most time thinking about, so just as with the genie, you have to be very careful about how you frame your requests and desires.
Good luck with attracting more of what you want, remember our information given in this article and we are sure that you will succeed with attracting more of what you want!
The role character in the existence of man kind is very important as it determines the stability of human achievements, I mean no matter what a man become or achieve in life there has to be a connection of character to greatness. But, before we go further I will like to define what character is, which brings us to the question WHAT IS CHARACTER  

Character may be defined as the distinctive qualities of someone or the moral strength of something.
Character on the other hand could be defined as the role of a person in a novel or film.
Lastly, character can as well be defining as the originality of person i.e. the total behavior of a person.
Now that we have known what character is and its varieties, we will consider the first and the last definition of character as stated above and try to find how it links with greatness, for this reason another question popes up
Character as the agent or function of moral strength and quality of a person is greatness on its own
A person with right attitude tends to have good character and this brings understanding and strength to do things that looks or sounds impossible because it makes you understand that fact that if you don’t fill a gap (something that looks difficult to others) in your own time the coming generation after you will blame you for the rest of their lives.
Character as a tool for greatness because to be great means to do or achieve what as not been done before or to better what as already been done.
It will interest you to know that character could be distinguished into two (2) which is Good (positive) and bad (negative) character! Character could either be good or bad depending on the application or behavior of a person.
1.      It opens the doors of opportunities
2.      It strengthens the courage and believe for greatness
3.      It helps in socializing and relating with people
4.      It strengthens your integrity
5.      It encourage you to do the impossibilities and so on

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Getting women to have sex can be difficult for some guys. Women are not wired the same way as men and often do not get the same physical pleasure from sex, especially if a guy is not sure of how to give a woman orgasms. However, once a woman finds a man with whom she can have sexual pleasure, she will not want to let him go.
Here are 3 ways that you can tantalize her senses and make her want you all of the time.
#1 - Take Cues From The Red Hot Lovers
Pull yourself away from adult movies and see how lovers of yesteryear wooed women. Women like to be romanced and seduced. Learn some seductive moves by watching films that depict how intoxicating sex can be for a woman. Seduction is an art form that is not exclusive to women. Men can learn to be seductive as well. The way you behave, the look in your eyes, a gentle brush of your hand across her shoulders - these little acts can draw a woman to you immediately and turn on her sexual desires.
#2 - Learn The Art Of Foreplay
This is one of the most important aspects of lovemaking for a woman. Women like to feel they are wanted and you should treat her like your most prized asset. Tell her how much you want her. Tease her with your tongue and make sure you provide plenty of kissing, allowing your lips to roam all over her body to heat up her passions. Foreplay should last until she is ready to have intercourse. And if you do it well, women can reach orgasms during foreplay alone.
#3 - Make Slow, Tender Love
Instead of thrusting into her like you are riding a horse, take it slow. Make your moves slow and tantalizing. Rotate your penis around a bit and make sure you give her sufficient clitoral stimulation using your hands too. You can speed things up and take care of your own pleasure once hers is satisfied. Believe me... she will thank you for it!
Here's a bonus tip: Being able to last longer during sex increases your odds to bring any woman to a thigh-quivering orgasm. If you are ready to SUPERCHARGE your sexual stamina and confidence, this is a proven step-by-step system that helped me last 37 minutes longer in bed:


Although many women believe that men are easy to please in the bedroom, it is actually a bit more complicated to meet their needs for physical satisfaction. This is why a lot of women do not concern themselves with what their man wants during sex but they should; numerous break ups and infidelity occur every day because one partner is not getting the level of excitement and intimacy they desire.
Take it Slow
Surprisingly, men really do care about the process of making love, not just those few, final moments of indescribable pleasure. So keep the word "foreplay" in mind. Doing it gets men really excited, causing them to beg for more.
Change it Up
Variety adds fuel to the bedroom fire and monotony will only produce boredom. This is simple to do by simply switching lovemaking positions from time to time. During the course of experimenting in bed, many people discover thrilling, new ways to have sex.
A bedroom session is not the appropriate time to zone out. Laying still and letting the man do all the work is never acceptable and is the complaint of many men; equal participation is the key to a happy, sexually satisfied man. Plus, it will only add to the pleasure factor.
The Hands
The human hands are wondrous tools that can accomplish many tasks, including bringing immense pleasure to the male genitalia area. Try using some baby oil and changing up the pace to prolong his pleasure.
Lighting Matters
We all have body insecurities; however, many women wish to hide in the cloak of darkness during sex in order to mask their flaws. Men actually want to see their woman while having sex, flaws and all. Soft lighting can go a long way.
Going with the Mood
There are times when the man wants total control in the bedroom while at other times, they want their woman to take the lead. Try asking him what he wants to do--on top, on bottom, or something else. He will love the fact that his wants are taken into consideration. Most women never even consider doing this due to which it will make you completely unique.
Giving the Gift of Oral Sex
Even though oral sex may seem like an activity only a man will enjoy, many women become turned on knowing that they are bringing their partner an ultimate level of pleasure. Oral sex is also another occasion when experimenting with speed and technique is recommended.
Pay Close Attention Here-
Now listen carefully! Take 2 minutes to read the next page and you'll discover a stunning trick which will show you- How to Captivate a Man, Make Him Fall in Love with You -- and Give You The World. There is a set of easy to follow psychological tricks which shows any woman how to be irresistible to men. 


Making a volcano is a quick and simple way to see the principles of a real volcano up close and personal without actually enduring the deadly gases and molten lava a real volcano causes. Therefore if you are interested in building a volcano or you have to build one as a science project or something, here is all you have to know to make one using things found in your dwelling.
-Required Tools:
-Required Materials
-6 cups of flour
-2 cups of salt
-4 tablespoons of cooking oil
-2 cups of tap water
-Warm water
-Baking soda
-Red food coloring
-Dishwasher detergent
-Baking dish/plywood
-Plastic soda bottle (2 liter or smaller)
-Plastic decorations (trees, shrubs, rocks, etc)
Begin with the dough, which will become the mountain of the volcano. You can buy play dough or some other type of pre-made dough if you prefer however, because these instructions are for things you probably have readily accessible at home. You can make your own dough using the flour, salt, cooking oil and tap water. Your dough should be smooth and firm so that it is simple to shape.
Lay the baking dish/plywood on a level surface as the base of your volcano (a baking dish may be best as it will contain the lava when it overflows and lessen the volume of lava you have to clean up).
Place the soda bottle on the base you select and begin shaping the dough around it to create a mountain. If you do not have adequate dough to pad the mountain and make it as large as you choose you can put cardboard, wads of newspaper or like materials around the sides of the bottle to take up some of the space.
Take the cover off the bottle if you have not previously done so and mold the dough all the way up to the mouth of the bottle until the bottle is completely unseen. You can create trenches in the side of the mountain for lava to flow down, or whatever else you desire to make the mountain more realistic.
Let the dough-mountain to dry totally and then use brushes to paint the mountain or spray it with spray paint. You can subsequently place the plastic decorations around the mountain and on the sides to decorated it to your choosing, then it is time to move on to the eruption of the volcano.
Fill the bottle to about ¾ with the warm water and put in the red food coloring. Add about 6 drops of the dishwashing detergent to make the foam element of the volcano, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and then pour about a ¼ cup of the vinegar inside the bottle and stand back and watch the eruption take place!
You may use and reuse the volcano as many times as you desire, all you have to do is use a rag to clean up the lava flow and it is ready to go again.
Tips and Warnings:
-Be cautious not to drop dough inside the bottle as you make the mountain since the dough may obstruct impede the concoction used to make the volcano erupt.
-The water in the bottle does not need to be hot but the warmer it is, the greater the eruption will be.
-If you desire orange-colored lava, put in a few drops of yellow food coloring along with the red coloring in the bottle.
-Add more than 2 tablespoons of baking soda if you wish for an even larger explosion but be prepared for the extra clean up!
-Do not try to close the bottle once you add the vinegar since pressure may grow inside the bottle and make it explode.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Most folks think that achieving your dreams is something mysterious that happens to a special select few. This is far from the truth. Making your dreams come true is something that can happen to everyday folks like you and I, if you believe long enough to do something about it on a daily basis.
A dream is simply a goal, often so big that it seems far detached from current reality. No matter how big a goal or dream is, if you commit to the goal, break it down to bite size pieces or stages, and do something about it on a daily basis, it will eventually come true. It is simply a matter of time.
Achieving your dreams is not rocket science. You can achieve your dreams. It simply entails taking one step at a time, one day at a time, and never despising the days of small beginnings. Everything big starts small. Most things that start big end up small.
The secret of fulfilling your dreams is to take a step towards it every single day, no matter how small. When you form the habit of taking a step towards your dreams every day, each day brings you closer to its fulfillment. As you maintain the rhythm of constantly working on your dreams, even if it is for only two hours a day, you find that you gradually gather speed and momentum. As get into the flow, you begin to take more than a step daily as you inch closer to the finish line.
One thing you will discover is that the knowledge that you are so far away from where you started from and getting closer to the finish line will generate an adrenaline rush and a feel good feeling that will propel you faster towards the finish line. Nothing beats the feeling that you can make it after all.
As you keep on keeping on, you get to a point where you know deep inside you that your dream is realizable after all, and that for you, it is a simply a matter of time. I refer to this moment as getting to the mountain top. It is an experience all dreamers who finally made it get to. Martin Luther King Jr referred to this experience when he said "I have been to the mountain top. I have seen the promised land..."
If you can persist in taking daily steps towards your dreams until you crest your "mountain top", where you see the finish line in your imagination and it settles in your heart that you will make it, you have crossed the finish line. What is left is physical fulfillment or manifestation, which is simply a matter of time. You can achieve your dreams. It is simply taking baby steps, step after step, day after day.


Today while travelling on a train, my mind wonder around and i take a peak at the people around me. I found that most of them holding an iPhone and focus deeply in their hand and screen movements. Some of them were in thoughts of maybe the following:
1. What is for dinner tonight, will I need to fork money
2. How am I going to get an iPhone?
3. Why am I not getting rich?
4. Is my life going to be like this?
5. and much more
At the far corner of the train I saw a young boy reading a book, title "The Riches Man In Babylon Today." I was thinking why a boy of this era reading such a book which was written in a time man has no special technology at all.
But something pop-out in me that said this is the time of the decade that human need to concentrate on how to make money with what they have.
This is what I and you have to do:
1. spend less than you earn
2. save 10% of your paycheck every 1st day you receive your pay
3. put what you save in bonds, property or investment that grows
4. save every dollar you receive.
By doing this the path to the tunnel of riches will be near and near but i tell you, never never ever you give up on this because you friends laugh at you or others laugh at you.
Just DO It!!!