Thursday, May 13, 2010


Many self-help books tell you that you can get anything you want in life, and to an extent that is true. But you have to think carefully about what it is you really want. Let's say that you and your friend free a genie from a bottle and are each granted one wish. Your wish is that everyone you meet loves you for the rest of your life. This is easy for the genie: in a puff of blue smoke, you're transformed into a little puppy, critically injured in a road accident with only minutes to live. Now everyone you meet will love you for the rest of your very short life.
Your friend wants everyone he meets to give him money. Puff of blue smoke, now he's become a slave, chained to a bridge collecting toll money for the stinking troll who guards it. He's doomed forever to receive money from everyone he meets, and nothing else. That's the way it is with genies: Be careful what you wish for. The point of this is that life, just like the genie, has a habit of delivering to you exactly what you focus on.
You tend to get what you spend most time thinking about, so just as with the genie, you have to be very careful about how you frame your requests and desires.
Good luck with attracting more of what you want, remember our information given in this article and we are sure that you will succeed with attracting more of what you want!

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