Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Making a volcano is a quick and simple way to see the principles of a real volcano up close and personal without actually enduring the deadly gases and molten lava a real volcano causes. Therefore if you are interested in building a volcano or you have to build one as a science project or something, here is all you have to know to make one using things found in your dwelling.
-Required Tools:
-Required Materials
-6 cups of flour
-2 cups of salt
-4 tablespoons of cooking oil
-2 cups of tap water
-Warm water
-Baking soda
-Red food coloring
-Dishwasher detergent
-Baking dish/plywood
-Plastic soda bottle (2 liter or smaller)
-Plastic decorations (trees, shrubs, rocks, etc)
Begin with the dough, which will become the mountain of the volcano. You can buy play dough or some other type of pre-made dough if you prefer however, because these instructions are for things you probably have readily accessible at home. You can make your own dough using the flour, salt, cooking oil and tap water. Your dough should be smooth and firm so that it is simple to shape.
Lay the baking dish/plywood on a level surface as the base of your volcano (a baking dish may be best as it will contain the lava when it overflows and lessen the volume of lava you have to clean up).
Place the soda bottle on the base you select and begin shaping the dough around it to create a mountain. If you do not have adequate dough to pad the mountain and make it as large as you choose you can put cardboard, wads of newspaper or like materials around the sides of the bottle to take up some of the space.
Take the cover off the bottle if you have not previously done so and mold the dough all the way up to the mouth of the bottle until the bottle is completely unseen. You can create trenches in the side of the mountain for lava to flow down, or whatever else you desire to make the mountain more realistic.
Let the dough-mountain to dry totally and then use brushes to paint the mountain or spray it with spray paint. You can subsequently place the plastic decorations around the mountain and on the sides to decorated it to your choosing, then it is time to move on to the eruption of the volcano.
Fill the bottle to about ¾ with the warm water and put in the red food coloring. Add about 6 drops of the dishwashing detergent to make the foam element of the volcano, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and then pour about a ¼ cup of the vinegar inside the bottle and stand back and watch the eruption take place!
You may use and reuse the volcano as many times as you desire, all you have to do is use a rag to clean up the lava flow and it is ready to go again.
Tips and Warnings:
-Be cautious not to drop dough inside the bottle as you make the mountain since the dough may obstruct impede the concoction used to make the volcano erupt.
-The water in the bottle does not need to be hot but the warmer it is, the greater the eruption will be.
-If you desire orange-colored lava, put in a few drops of yellow food coloring along with the red coloring in the bottle.
-Add more than 2 tablespoons of baking soda if you wish for an even larger explosion but be prepared for the extra clean up!
-Do not try to close the bottle once you add the vinegar since pressure may grow inside the bottle and make it explode.

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