Friday, March 12, 2010


Lacking in confidence is greatly related to not believing in your own capabilities.
I have experienced standing in the front of a multitude of people and share my expertise with them.
What is it that leads you to be a person that does not have butterflies when addressing a stranger or a group or a seminar?
It is your knowledge that you posses that nobody can take away from you. This gives you confidence to face any amount of people that want to hear and learn from you.
When you are a leader, you lead and others follow. Truth be told, if you still have butterflies than you are still lacking in something that would take that fear away of making a mistake.
The old saying of practice makes perfect might sound very familiar. Well, you need to keep educating yourself in the field or industry that you are in to be worthy of your own confidence that will come through and establish yourself as a leader.
Confidence is not something that you can be taught, it is something, a feeling inside of knowing that you have the capability of doing something that you are an expert on. It does not mean that you have to be over confident, but confident with a Noble stature that people will notice about you.
A confident person does not try to convince people about their qualifications or skill. Confident people share their knowledge with people that is beneficial to the listener.
There are ten things that you can put to good use that will dramatically have positive results for you and with out further delay, here is the first one.
1. Have the tools of your business with you at all times. When I talk about tools I mean, a informative badge, business card, brochures of your business and a pocket size business card file containing cards of other professionals that you can refer.
2. Set a goal for the amount of people that you are going to meet and the type of people that you intend connecting with. Make sure that you get all their contact details or business card to be able to follow up.
Change the word of goal to promise. Statistics indicate that if you promise yourself to accomplish something you have a 90% chance of making it a reality. Nobody likes to break a promise especially if it is one that you have made to yourself and then tell other people about it so that you can be accountable. This is further motivation that will drive you to take action on your promise.
Make sure that you do not leave the meeting or business function with out reaching your promise.
3. Be a host and not a guest, a guest sits back and relaxes. A host on the other hand help greet people. If you see people that are seated go and introduce yourself. Volunteer to be an ambassador. It is your job to do that and if it is your job to do it then it makes it that much easier to do.
4. If there is one thing that I have learned from Mr. Misner who is a world class speaker it is that a net-worker has two ears and one mouth and a good net-worker uses than proportionately.
After you have listened to what an other person does then tell them what you do very briefly. Be specific, but brief. Be an interviewer during this part of the proses, Ask a lot of questions and get them to open up. They will do the same for you.
5. Never try to close a deal at these type of gatherings. These events are not meant for you to try and hit on business people to buy your product or services. Networking is about developing relationships with others / professionals. When you meet people at these events it should be the start of a relationship not a end to it.
6. Give referrals when ever possible. As I have learned, the best net-workers believe that givers gain. If I help you then you will help me. If you do not genuinely help people that you meet then you are not networking effectively. If you cannot provide somebody with a referral then provide them with information of a upcoming event.
7. Don not forget to exchange business cards. Ask for two, one for yourself and one to pass on to someone else. This sets the stage for networking to take place. If your promise is to meet a certain number of people then do not linger too much with friends and associates.
8. When you have met somebody of interest, spend a couple of minutes with them and arrange an appointment to meet up with them again so you will not spend the entire time just with a couple people or just one person.
9. Record anything useful to remember the person more clearly on the back of their business card. This will come in useful at a later stage.
10. Follow Up! With out the follow up, it renders all the steps as laid out above useless. You need to effectively follow up and deliver on your promises that you have made to your new connections if you promised them something.
Take action and put these key points that will give you the edge into action at your next event or business function and experience positive results in growing your business.
To Your Massive Success!
Your friend in helping you reach your dreams.

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