Saturday, March 6, 2010


While many more people these days remain single - and happily so - it can be disheartening to be on your own if you very much enjoy being half of a couple. But by examining your behaviour and habits you can better your chances of finding a meaningful relationship.
The worse your previous break up and the longer you remain single, the harder it can be to find love. This is because it can be easy to get into a cycle of thinking negatively about yourself. For instance, if you were dumped by the person you thought was the love of your life people can often blame themselves for being unlovable and not good enough for their partner. Or if you have been single for months or years this can sometimes lead to labelling yourself as 'unlucky in love'. Both of these can be self fulfilling prophecies - the first because low self esteem, while common, is not the most attractive trait and the second because you are less likely to put effort into a potential relationship you may assume is doomed from the start.
While it is not a good idea to try and project a false impression of yourself to new acquaintances, it is beneficial to finding love if you make an effort to think positively and present your best side. Your ideal man or woman may never get to see your good traits if their only impression of you is someone stressed, distracted and consumed by an overly busy schedule.
You should also look at your routine and social habits if you have been unhappily single for a while. The majority of couples meet either in a work environment or close to their home. So if you haven't met your ideal partner you may need to consider moving outside your comfort zone. As we get older, we tend to fall into patterns and routines - socialising with the same friends, frequenting the same venues on the same nights of the week, etc. Try eating and drinking in different places and expanding your group of friends and acquaintances. A good way to meet new people are groups and evening classes. Even if you don't meet a potential partner there you could strike a friendship with the person who will one day introduce you to your future spouse.

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